This is a picture grabbed from a dusty old VHS videotape of
a 3D game I made around 1983 on the ATARI 400
entirely in 6502 assembler, which I think would be a nice first project to port to
the HYDRA and thereby become much more familiar with the hardware:
Looks like a great project. Keep us posted!
What I did originally was algorithmically draw from the distance inward toward the screen
all the things in the field of view based on my coordinates and facing direction on the map,
which was mostly walls, using triangles and quadrilaterals. Things behind walls actually
got quickly drawn and then covered up, so I think it might not qualify as a raycaster, because ...
Doesn't it start drawing at the player's point of view and go outward until it hits something and then stop?
Shadow effects were relevant to extremely limited knowledge of nearby walls during rendering.
So limited, that if the maze was altered to have less walls, it would draw walls that it guessed
should be there. Turns were also not very smooth and you could never stop and look into a corner.
How is it known that WAY OUT used "raycasting", as like "virtual reality", the terms seem too recently invented.
Seems to me that Wolfenstein and DOOM came out in the early 1990's. I thought they are the first raycasters.
How was it fake raycasting? Do you mean it had a set of predrawn images?
The code is not playable yet but only has fractal sound. I'll post it when it plays a little.
(The image is mostly an initial layout demo. I'll try to make a raycaster with fractal texture.)
This is not playable yet but is a (self-)educational demo at this point, (my first Hydra game project)
which makes mazes and shows the internal view using my idea of a 'raycaster'.
The maze maker is pseudorandom, but the raycaster is experimental and can not yet move from it's current viewpoint.
It repeats the process of making mazes and rendering a view of them. There is some perspective distortion in the view.
My previous maze maker was very very slow, which is why there remains a "progress bar".
This has been taking much longer than I expected but only because of many distractions.
This requires the TV and GRAPHICS drivers included with the Hydra in "sources".
Anyway, way out was a ray caster based on technology from the 60's believe it or not. And the technology that doom was based on released in 1992-3 was 25-30 years old as well! The BSP tree which is the bread and butter of most software renderers and many collision engines was from a paper written by another graphics scientist in the 60's, although wikipedia list Schumacker as the first, I have read papers earlier with another creator, but I can't remember his name. But, suffice to say, everything you think is new is 20-50 years old!
I love ray casting and ray tracing, ironically people thing these are old technologies, but now with GPUs and fast processing people are re-visiting them since you can do real time ray tracing now and with ray tracing you get REAL shadows, real transparency, real everything. Polygons are SOOO messy. So in 7-8 years I predict that polygon rendering engines will be gone and all new graphics hardware will use ray tracing for rendering. The models will still be polygons and or higher order surfaces plus polygons, but the rendering algorithms purely ray tracing, since its so natural, and hidden surface removal, fog, etc. all happen naturally instead of hacks like we have to code now with polygons.
and transparency is possible. It draws vertical lines and if they (gr.line) are removed it draws the flat view
of the maze map. I think you gave me a hint on how to speed up the rendering which I'll try soon.
Where can I find your books? "Gardens of Imagination" sounds interesting, since I have tried to write a
'nature world' in the past.
I agree with what you say, I have a book from 1974 that describes computer graphics (Computer Lib/
Dream Machines) by Theodore Nelson, it seems a lot of stuff was reinvented on the 8-bits, then in
PC-DOS demoscene, and to many it all seems new again in Windows and maybe even on Hydra.
I remember playing a few games like this as a kid.
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