A little help please with Ninjaturtle_Bot program, please
I am trying to use a tv controller (sony standard) to switch my Ninjaturtle_Bot in and out of programs.· It starts out in manual control mode and I can then switch it into avoid object or ·follow the light mode.· However, once I switch it into either of those two modes, I can't switch back out again.·
Any suggestions?· Any help would be appreciated.
Sorry for the long code - I'm still learning how to do this.
Edit: sorry!· The code I originally posted was corrupted when I tried to copy the file contents after opening the file in Notepad (my Internet computer doesn't have the Basic Stamp editor software on it).· I will get a good copy up as soon as I can.
Post Edited (Grievousfish) : 11/1/2007 11:55:13 PM GMT
Any suggestions?· Any help would be appreciated.
Sorry for the long code - I'm still learning how to do this.
Edit: sorry!· The code I originally posted was corrupted when I tried to copy the file contents after opening the file in Notepad (my Internet computer doesn't have the Basic Stamp editor software on it).· I will get a good copy up as soon as I can.
Post Edited (Grievousfish) : 11/1/2007 11:55:13 PM GMT
Thanks again for any help.