newbie in need of assistance with Stamp/GPS.... please help!
Hi, I have a basic stamp kit and although I'm not up to speed on the electronics/hardware aspects, I used to do programming, so the PBASIC part comes naturally.
I've done the basic examples with the LED, servo, pushbutton, etc...·so I basically get the jist of how to communicate with components,·but I want to take a big step.· I bought a GPS receiver.· Not sure how to connect this to the Stamp?· Will it?· I read I need a Max232 line server or something to connect to the computer, which would at least be a start to mess around with it.
Looking for some feedback on what's the best way to get started·on this·GPS receiver.· I definitely do not mind taking some courses because I'm realizing there's a lot to learn, but still want to take a short cut for now on getting going with the GPS receiver.
Appreciate any help.
I've done the basic examples with the LED, servo, pushbutton, etc...·so I basically get the jist of how to communicate with components,·but I want to take a big step.· I bought a GPS receiver.· Not sure how to connect this to the Stamp?· Will it?· I read I need a Max232 line server or something to connect to the computer, which would at least be a start to mess around with it.
Looking for some feedback on what's the best way to get started·on this·GPS receiver.· I definitely do not mind taking some courses because I'm realizing there's a lot to learn, but still want to take a short cut for now on getting going with the GPS receiver.
Appreciate any help.
At the bottom of the page are links to the pdf manual and some demo code for the BS2. The manual gives details of connecting the GPS module to a Stamp and the communications protocol.
Jeff T.
See this article for inspiration
Post Edited By Moderator (Chris Savage (Parallax)) : 11/2/2007 3:45:40 PM GMT