RF 418 mHz remote control reciver
Hi, i just got cheap a universal remote control MX 3000.
It sends out RF and IR. But the bad thing on the remote is that you need to control a device or lights a RF to IR extenion box.
But i dont want to wire my house with IR blaster to get that done to use the RF.
So i have tried to find out how the RF on this remote works.
Its a 418 mhz RF so i gues it send out a stream of bits.
Would it be posible to record this stream when a button on the remote is pressed.
And save it in the propeller.
So the next time the button is pressed , the propeller can act on the press.
Best regards
It sends out RF and IR. But the bad thing on the remote is that you need to control a device or lights a RF to IR extenion box.
But i dont want to wire my house with IR blaster to get that done to use the RF.
So i have tried to find out how the RF on this remote works.
Its a 418 mhz RF so i gues it send out a stream of bits.
Would it be posible to record this stream when a button on the remote is pressed.
And save it in the propeller.
So the next time the button is pressed , the propeller can act on the press.
Best regards
I want to directly RF to RF , so i can switch lights, turn on and of my computer, and other stuff , with the remote but i dont want to use ir since i want to control the hole cottage. so out of sight.
I thaught eqaaven when thezy have the data cypted, it shoudent madder. Once the remote has learned the IR code for the device t or a fake ir code is set like in mzy place.
The remote should send every time the same encypted data sting, what would be always the same. And if the prop could capture this string then it should work.
I will give it some try later on , i have to order a RF reciver first, but not sure which one.
Best regards
This is gotta be the cheapest RF transceiver around at $14.95 !
Maybe, if you're really lucky, your device is using a similar thing...
Then, it would be a simple matter to hook this up to a Prop and record the data...
This could be a great prop project