I have a serial BASIC STAMP and a serial PSC. I have a few questions on them.
What is the difference between PSC and BASIC STAMP?
Can we us either one to control servos on a Crustcrawler Robotic Arm?
Can we program either PSC or STAMP in languages like C/C++?
I have a serial BASIC STAMP and a serial PSC. I have a few questions on them.
What is the difference between PSC and BASIC STAMP?
Can we us either one to control servos on a Crustcrawler Robotic Arm?
Can we program either PSC or STAMP in languages like C/C++?
All Basic Stamps will need to be programmed in the PBASIC language. There is a great reference available for free download; The Basic Stamp Syntax & Reference Manual [noparse][[/noparse] ].
Joshua Donelson
I am talking about this one:
Can it be programmed independently of the Stamp (which I hear can only be programmed in PBASIC)?
I'm asking this because the project I am working on is in C/C++ and I need to program the servo controller and thus the servos on my Robotic Arm using C/C++.
The PSC would then 'hold' the position of your servo's until commanded again.
Could you elaborate a bit on that? Are you suggesting I bypass the Board of Education containing the Stamp? What kind of commands can we send the PSC directly?
In it, you'll see that the PSC simply receives certain commands over a serial interface. In order for it to receive the commands, something has to send them.
It doesn't care what sends them, or how they were created. As long as you can hook the PSC up with the correct serial interface to a device that can send the proper commands, you can program the sending device in any language you want that meets the requirements.
What you can't do is reprogram the actual PSC itself, for example, to receive a different set of commands. As for bypassing the BoE, or BS2, you can do that if you want, but you will still need to duplicate their functionality.
I will come back if I face more problems. Thanks for all your help so far.