Switching 24 Amps

Gee. I guess my idea about using a 74HC595 and a 5vdc relay to switch 12vdc at 24 amps is not too realistic. I cannot seem to find any relays that even come close.
Any ideas?
You are what you write.
Gee. I guess my idea about using a 74HC595 and a 5vdc relay to switch 12vdc at 24 amps is not too realistic. I cannot seem to find any relays that even come close.
Any ideas?
You are what you write.
If I am searching for the right part at Digikey, then the version I want runs about $55.00. Sound right?
You are what you write.
Ha! I already have! Nada!
Unless this first 'bot (well, the first in 30 years . . . things have CHANGED!) is a stunning success, I am beginning to think a good old fashioned manual switch might be in order.
You are what you write.
Think Inside the box first and if that doesn't work..
Re-arrange what's inside the box then...
Think outside the BOX!
First thing that comes to mind something like that would be an automotive relay... If you have 12V @ 24 Amps, why not use some of that to energize a 12V relay with an NPN transistor suitable for the Relay Coil. You could still use a 74HC595 to drive the base of your transistor which in turn would drive the relay. According to the datasheet below, at 12V your transistor would need to provide 145mA to drive the relay coil with a nominal coil resistance of 83 Ohms. If you were to use the 6V coil, your transistor would need to supply 289mA to drive the relay coil with a nominal coil resistance of 21 Ohms.
This company offers a 6V, 12V, and 24V coil capable of driving 40A
http://www.citrelay.com/Relay Products.htm
http://www.citrelay.com/Catalog pages/Relays/A2 Catalog.pdf
The datasheet says that the pickup voltage is about 75% of the coil rating so a 6V coil would pickup at about 4.5V ... After the diode drop of a transistor you’re cutting it close. I would go with a 12V coil if I could.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Thank you for the suggestions . . . I will have to study them, for sure. It definitely looks like there is an economical solution that can be automated.
You are what you write.
I am now a Futurlec customer. Not a very big one, but a customer none the less!
I wonder where I can get that heat conductive silicone grease the data sheet talks about?
Thank you!
You are what you write.
Duh. JAMECO had the grease.
You are what you write.
I had to order some stuff from Jameco, anyway. I went to RS yesterday and the day before. Pretty soon they are going to think I am stalking them.
You are what you write.