Question about a cd burner laser
I'm trying to integrate this cd laser diode, to make a laser beam to burn stuff, to my borard of Ed. Now i believe this diode only requires like 3 volts (give or take). I want to pc control this laser, by telling the BoE to cut and send power (kinda like with simple LEDs). So i figure all i have to do is slap a resistor on it, and run the "high P#, low P#" program right? The laser eye (diode has 3 leads, but you only use the pos. and neg. ones, so i'm just running this by you guys to see if there's anything i missed... Thanks. P.S., what size resistor would i need to bring down the 5v coming from the boe, down to 3v?

I'd really just like to know what resistor size to use, and if it IS possible...
So protective eye-gear is mandatory, both for yourself and anybody near the robot when it's running.
Also, the very idea of using a BOE to control a laser-diode powerful enough to burn CD's implies to me you definitely do NOT "have it under control".· Also, using one of these devices requires quite a lot of willingness to look on the web, get the manufacturers documentation for it, understand high-current use, understand what every terminal does and why.· Saying you're·simply 'adding a resistor' implies a level of ignorance that is very dangerous.
Post Edited (allanlane5) : 10/29/2007 2:14:09 PM GMT