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A Tutorial on PWM

deSilvadeSilva Posts: 2,967
edited 2007-11-06 14:19 in Propeller 1
I shall post this as a PDF in some days, but I should appreciate your feed back before that step. Thank You!

There was a question in a German forum the other day how many servos can be controlled by one Prop: 10? 30?? Even more???

Most people know how this is generally done - not so deSilva, but he also can learn smile.gif
You send out a pulse of a length between 1 to 2 ms within a 20 ms frame. A 1 ms pulse means turn left, a 1.5 ms pulse means stay in the middle, and a 2 ms pulse turn right. The most common resolution is 256 per ms for an 8 bit precision - so this leaves ample time to do it with SPIN.

Algorithm 1:
* Wait for the next 20 ms tick
* Set port x
* Wait for 1 + n/256 ms
* Reset port x
* Repeat this for 8 more ports (be cautious to not cross the 20 ms borderline!)

This is the simple source for it:
{ 24servosA: A Tutorial in 4 Steps – Step 1
  November 2007 by deSilva
  v0.14: A simple SPIN Version without Timer.
         Within a time window of 20 ms as many PWM channels as possible
         will be served; as pulse width is 2 ms this is 9, quite independent of
         any performance constraints - it is NOT necessary to run @ 80 Mhz !

  _CLKMODE = XTAL1 + PLL8X   ' values for Hydra or SpinStamp!
  _XINFREQ = 10_000_000
  _HZ = 80_000_000    ' This can be set to other values but the true clock
                      ' It works as a global scaling: e.g. a value of 160_000_000
                      ' will lead to 4 ms pulses within a 40 ms period for a 80 MHz clock   

  _maxServos = 9
  _pulseOffsetCompensation = 0  
' derived constants
__20msTicks     = _HZ/1000*20
__1msTicks      = _HZ/1000 
__resTicks      = _HZ/256_000  ' =  1/256 ms clocks

PUB demo
PUB start(table)
  COGNEW(servosA(table), @aStack)

PRI servosA(ctab) | port, next20ms, addr, pulseWidth

'enable all used Ports
     REPEAT addr FROM ctab TO ctab+constant(2*(_maxServos-1)) STEP 2
       port := BYTE[noparse][[/noparse]addr] 
       IF port =< 31
           DIRA[noparse][[/noparse]port] := 1       

next20ms := CNT + __1msTicks         ' first tick to act on
    REPEAT addr FROM ctab TO ctab+constant(2*(_maxServos-1)) STEP 2
       port := BYTE[noparse][[/noparse]addr]
       IF port =< 31
           pulseWidth := BYTE[noparse][[/noparse]servoAddr+1] * __resTicks + __1msTicks  - _pulseOffsetCompensation   

    next20ms += __20msTicks  

aStack LONG      ' reuse as stack when called with external table  - align to LONG
ServoCtrl BYTE   ' Entries for  I/O number and pulse width 0..255  per ms
 BYTE  0, 255
 BYTE  1, 127
 BYTE  2, 0
 BYTE  3, 0
 BYTE  4, 255
 BYTE  5, 255
 BYTE  -1, 255
 BYTE  7, 255
 BYTE  16, 0
 ' rest unused (see constant _maxServos) 
 BYTE -1, 127 '9
 BYTE -1, 127
 BYTE -1, 127
 BYTE -1, 127
 BYTE -1, 127
 BYTE -1, 127
 BYTE -1, 127
 BYTE -1, 127
 BYTE -1, 127
 BYTE -1, 127
 BYTE -1, 127
 BYTE -1, 127
 BYTE -1, 127
 BYTE -1, 127
 BYTE -1, 127 '23
  ' The End

Not bad at all… However there is this ugly calibration to compensate for SPIN instruction time, as it is not possible to time a signal precisely with OUTA. There is always some difference - measured im us rather than ns - between the OUTA and getting the CNT.. But we can easily improve it – much! - by using a counter. The resolution becomes higher than 10 bits now!

{ 24servosB: A Tutorial in 4 Steps &#8211; Step 2
  November 2007 by deSilva
  v0.12: Simple SPIN version with timer
         Timer A is used for a very precise pulse width

PRI servosB(ctab) | port, next20ms, addr

'enable all used Ports
   REPEAT addr FROM ctab TO ctab+constant(2*(_maxServos-1)) STEP 2
       port := BYTE[noparse][[/noparse]addr] 
       IF port =< 31
           DIRA[noparse][[/noparse]port] := 1       

  next20ms := CNT + __1msTicks         ' first tick to act on

  REPEAT addr FROM ctab TO ctab+constant(2*(_maxServos-1)) STEP 2
       port := BYTE[noparse][[/noparse]addr]
       IF port > 31

' ---- this part contains the improvement using a timer:
'  Programming timerA for PWM-mode ("NCO")
'  i.e. pulse = sign bit (bit 31); thus preset register with MINUS pulse width
'  That's all, folks [img][/img]
       CTRA := 0      ' reset timer
       FRQA := 1      ' adding 1 @ system clock = 80 MHz
       PHSA := -(__1msTicks + __resTicks * BYTE[noparse][[/noparse]addr+1])
       CTRA :=  (%0_00100 << 26) + port
' Now there is a little bit time to do other things ....
' Note that it is not very critical as the pulse is reset automatically!
       WAITPEQ(0, |<port, 0)      ' ... which is equivalent to:  REPEAT WHILE INA[noparse][[/noparse]port]
      CTRA := 0         
'----- end of improved section
    next20ms += __20msTicks  

The beauty of the Propeller is, that you can simply multiply this by as many COGs as you can spare. So 4 COGs will give you detailed control over 36 servos.. You already have to start using a port expander (which in this case can be a cheap 4-to-16 decoder, as we set port by port, a single COG can easily control 9 servos with 4 pins = needing just 16 pins totally)

That was easy so far, but as you have noticed all of our 4 COGs do nothing but wait… Can’t we put rather ONE to work for it all?

Not with SPIN… - but with machine code!

Algorithm 2:
* Wait for the next 20 ms tick
* Set ALL ports
* Wait 1ms
* Look through the pulse width table to find a port to be stopped at this time, and stop it
* Wait 1/256 ms
Repeat the last two steps further 255 times

(I ommit the code 24servosC here – educating as it may be – as few persons read machine code&#8230[noparse];)[/noparse]

Blazingly fast as the machine code might be, working itself through the table in 40 us thwarts it within 6 loop runs!
All right, but we are now only at clock time N + 2 ms! We have still 18 ms until the next cycle starts, so we can repeat this algorithm also around 9 times, giving us 54 servos to control.

But on second sight, the signals do not look good at all. It is true, each pulse is stopped in the right 1/256 ms slot, but depending on its position in the table it can be at the beginning or the end of the slot, resulting in an unacceptable jitter! Oh dear – what have we done wrong?

The issue is not the use of machine language, but the use of the wrong algorithm! Why always looping through the same table??? Can’t we find out in advance which time slot will be the next needed? Of course we can, by simply re-sorting the table along the pulse width value!

Algorithm 3:
* Sort the pulse width table
* Wait for the next 20ms tick
* Set ALL ports
* Wait for the NEXT timeslot
* Reset the corresponding ports
* Repeat this until all ports have been reset

This idea is so fascinating that we can feel inclined to implement it even in SPIN!
The main obstacle is that the required precision of 1/256 ms leaves - worst case - only 40 us between two potential reset requests, which is just a little bit to short for 80 MHz SPIN… One could try.. though it’s very tight!

But now machine code enters again at its best! After having killed four bugs in it, here comes a program even deSilva can be proud of. It will not only control 30+ servos (Due to inefficiencies of the sorting the limit is 50 at the moment, but can be boosted to 100 with a little change), but also works with a fourfold precision of 1000 per ms.

To give it broader application, I changed the pulse width table to a long, each entry addressed by its physical I/O port number (0..29)

The test routine is configured to dim 2 LEDS at port 0 and 1, as duty cycle stays below 50% they can be connected without any resistor.
This is the astonishing short code:


{ 24servosD: A tutorial in 4 Steps: Step 4
November 2007 by deSilva
v0.14: Another Bug Nov, 2nd

Demonstration von Pulsmodulation auf mehreren Kan


  • deSilvadeSilva Posts: 2,967
    edited 2007-11-03 20:20
    Sorry for pushing this... Without suggestions or remarks I then shall leave it "as is"?
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-11-03 20:32
    The Servo32 object in the Object Exchange attempts to deal with one potential problem with controlling many servos ... that of the current surge if many servos begin to move at the same time. It does this by grouping the servos (up to 32) into 4 groups and staggering their control pulses.
  • deSilvadeSilva Posts: 2,967
    edited 2007-11-03 21:52
    Oops, there is a Servo32 object?? I am sure, I looked twice... Let me see...
  • deSilvadeSilva Posts: 2,967
    edited 2007-11-03 22:21
    Hmm.. Beau nicely worked around my piece de resistance by in fact only working with 8 ports smile.gif

    I quite understand that it could be more interesting to distrubute the pulses within the whole 20ms...

    But even 8 sensors are to heavy for this simple algorithm: Beau needs 8 loop runs, 400ns each so he cannot meet the resolution of 1us but 4us only, which suffices as generally only 8 bits = 1ms/256 is expected
  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2007-11-03 22:44

    Look at it again... the resolution is 1uS by choice... it could be finer than that (a couple hundred nano seconds of resolution if you wanted·; whatever the assembly overhead would allow), but I figured that 1uS was good enough for controlling standard servos.

    I stand corrected... see below.

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 11/4/2007 3:10:00 AM GMT
  • deSilvadeSilva Posts: 2,967
    edited 2007-11-03 22:58
    Sorry if I err... I had been looking at this loop, which looked very familiar to me from my "Algorthm 3" smile.gif
                         mov     LoopCounter,            #8                      'Set LoopCounter
                         mov     Index,                  ZoneIndex               'Set Index Pointer for proper Zone
         ServoLoop       rdlong  ServoWidth,             Index                   'Get Servo Data
                         add     ServoWidth,             SyncPoint               'Determine system counter location where pulse should end
                         sub     ServoWidth,             cnt                  wc 'subtract system counter from ServoWidth ; write result in C flag
                         rcl     ServoByte,              #1                      'Rotate "C Flag" right into ServoByte
                         sub     Index,                  #4                      'Decrement Index pointer to next address
                         djnz    LoopCounter,            #ServoLoop

    Before you reset a port you have to execute 8x 32 ticks @ 12.5 ns = 3.2us
    There is no chance to do anything inbetween...
  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2007-11-04 01:48
    Ok... 3.2uS Perhaps I should read my own code a little closer. lol.gif·
    Actually it could be longer than that since a rdlong can take anywhere from 7 to 22 clocks
    rdlong  (7..22 clocks )
    add     (    4 clocks ) 
    sub     (    4 clocks )
    rcl     (    4 clocks )
    sub     (    4 clocks )
    djnz    (    4 clocks while still in loop )

    So... 27 to 42 clocks multiplied by 8 equals 216 to 336 clocks
    add another 4 clocks for a non jump djnz and that’s...
    220 clocks to 340 clocks
    xor    (    4 clocks )
    shl    (    4 clocks )
    and finally 
    mov    (    4 clocks )

    This results in a best case scenario of 232 clocks... worst case scenario of 352 clocks.
    Running at 80 MHz that translates to a 2.9uS (best)·to 4.4uS (worst) pulse resolution.

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 11/4/2007 3:10:56 AM GMT
  • deSilvadeSilva Posts: 2,967
    edited 2007-11-04 10:17
    Beau, don't forget the Propeller is deterministic!

    The "uncertainty" with HUB accesses is often misunderstood.
    Once you enter a simple loop (without JMPs), you are locked to the HUB wheel (nice picture!)
    Each loop run then will always be exactly either of 16, 32 , 48,... ticks, uncertainty only once at the very first run.

    So your "best case scenario" was a nice try, but could not fool deSilva smilewinkgrin.gif
  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2007-11-04 22:50

    Now you have me curious... the Servo32 Demo was the first assembly program that I wrote for the Propeller.· I have modified the servo32·(see attached) by pre-loading the·Pulse-Widths during the OFF-time··so that the resolution should be right at 1uS with an 80 MHz clock.· The timing critical path has been reduced to a·SUB and an RCL (8-clocks) per servo (64-clocks total for each servo group) plus an additional 12-clocks·as overhead to get the final BYTE value to the port....· a total of 76-clocks....·there is even a NOP instruction in there to make it an even 80 clocks, but when I scope the output, the best resolution that I can get is 5uS.· What am I missing?·· 80-clocks at 12.5nS = 1000nS or 1uS


    File Attachment removed... updated version below

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 11/5/2007 5:34:55 AM GMT
  • deSilvadeSilva Posts: 2,967
    edited 2007-11-05 00:24
    You shouldn't jmp back to #ZoneLoop smile.gif

    And the SUBs will need an NR when inside a loop...
  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2007-11-05 05:30

    Ok... Duh... Thanks!··I have the code now working at 1.05uS resolution ...· If I could just shave one more Assembly command off·of the code below then it would be an even 1uS resolution.
    At this point though I have been staring at it too long.· I am welcome to any suggestions.
    '----------------------------------------------Start Tight Servo code-------------------------------------------------------------
             ZoneLoop       cmp     ServoWidth8,            cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) subtract system counter from ServoWidth ; write result in C flag
                            rcl     ServoByte,              #1                      '(4 - clocks) Rotate "C Flag" right into ServoByte
                            cmp     ServoWidth7,            cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) subtract system counter from ServoWidth ; write result in C flag
                            rcl     ServoByte,              #1                      '(4 - clocks) Rotate "C Flag" right into ServoByte
                            cmp     ServoWidth6,            cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) subtract system counter from ServoWidth ; write result in C flag
                            rcl     ServoByte,              #1                      '(4 - clocks) Rotate "C Flag" right into ServoByte
                            cmp     ServoWidth5,            cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) subtract system counter from ServoWidth ; write result in C flag
                            rcl     ServoByte,              #1                      '(4 - clocks) Rotate "C Flag" right into ServoByte
                            cmp     ServoWidth4,            cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) subtract system counter from ServoWidth ; write result in C flag
                            rcl     ServoByte,              #1                      '(4 - clocks) Rotate "C Flag" right into ServoByte
                            cmp     ServoWidth3,            cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) subtract system counter from ServoWidth ; write result in C flag
                            rcl     ServoByte,              #1                      '(4 - clocks) Rotate "C Flag" right into ServoByte
                            cmp     ServoWidth2,            cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) subtract system counter from ServoWidth ; write result in C flag
                            rcl     ServoByte,              #1                      '(4 - clocks) Rotate "C Flag" right into ServoByte
                            cmp     ServoWidth1,            cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) subtract system counter from ServoWidth ; write result in C flag
                            rcl     ServoByte,              #1                      '(4 - clocks) Rotate "C Flag" right into ServoByte
                            xor     ServoByte,              #$FF                    '(4 - clocks) Invert ServoByte variable
                            shl     ServoByte ,             ZoneShift               '(4 - clocks) Shift data to proper port or Zone location.
                            mov     outa,                   ServoByte               '(4 - clocks) Send ServoByte to Zone Port
                            cmp     temp,                   cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) Determine if cnt has exceeded width of _ZoneClocks ; write result in C flag
                  if_NC     jmp     #ZoneLoop                                       '(4 - clocks) if the "C Flag" is not set stay in the current Zone
    '-----------------------------------------------End Tight Servo code--------------------------------------------------------------
    '                                                                        Total = 84 - clocks  @ 80MHz that's 1.05uS resolution

    Attachment removed...·updated version below

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 11/5/2007 6:16:47 PM GMT
  • deSilvadeSilva Posts: 2,967
    edited 2007-11-05 07:38
    You can save the XOR by inverting the carry through reversed CMP operands (adds small offset of 12.5ns without concern)
    CMP cnt, ServoWidthx wc

    It is a pity, that RCL does not behave as "expected", otherwise both last shifts could be combined..

    BTW: Are you sure the code will still work, when CNT overflows from $FF_FF_FF_FF to $0 ?
  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2007-11-05 16:33

    You can't reverse the CMP operands when one of them is the cnt register. The cnt register can only be used in the Source operand.

    Propeller Manual (v1.0)
    Page 397
    "Each of these registers can be accessed just like any other register in the Destination or Source fields of instructions, except for those that are designated "(Read-Only)." Read-only registers can only be used in the Source field of an instruction."
    You said...
    BTW: Are you sure the code will still work, when CNT overflows from $FF_FF_FF_FF to $0 ?
    Yes,· that's what this bit of code at the beginning of each Zone is for...
    ZoneCore                mov     SyncPoint,              cnt                     'Create a Sync Point with the system counter
                            mov     temp,                   _NoGlitch               'Test to make sure 'cnt' value won't rollover within Servo's pulse width
                            sub     temp,                   cnt                  wc 'Subtract NoGlitch from cnt ; write result in C flag
                  if_C      jmp     #ZoneCore                                       'If C flag is set get a new Sync Point, otherwise we are ok.


    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 11/5/2007 4:42:25 PM GMT
  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2007-11-05 18:12

    Solution for·1uS servo resolution!... use cmpsub rather than cmp.

    Basically for this operation cmp and cmpsub function oppositely of one another with relation to the C flag being set.
    '----------------------------------------------Start Tight Servo code-------------------------------------------------------------
             ZoneLoop       cmpsub  ServoWidth8,            cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) subtract system counter from ServoWidth ; write result in C flag
                            rcl     ServoByte,              #1                      '(4 - clocks) Rotate "C Flag" right into ServoByte
                            cmpsub  ServoWidth7,            cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) subtract system counter from ServoWidth ; write result in C flag
                            rcl     ServoByte,              #1                      '(4 - clocks) Rotate "C Flag" right into ServoByte
                            cmpsub  ServoWidth6,            cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) subtract system counter from ServoWidth ; write result in C flag
                            rcl     ServoByte,              #1                      '(4 - clocks) Rotate "C Flag" right into ServoByte
                            cmpsub  ServoWidth5,            cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) subtract system counter from ServoWidth ; write result in C flag
                            rcl     ServoByte,              #1                      '(4 - clocks) Rotate "C Flag" right into ServoByte
                            cmpsub  ServoWidth4,            cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) subtract system counter from ServoWidth ; write result in C flag
                            rcl     ServoByte,              #1                      '(4 - clocks) Rotate "C Flag" right into ServoByte
                            cmpsub  ServoWidth3,            cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) subtract system counter from ServoWidth ; write result in C flag
                            rcl     ServoByte,              #1                      '(4 - clocks) Rotate "C Flag" right into ServoByte
                            cmpsub  ServoWidth2,            cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) subtract system counter from ServoWidth ; write result in C flag
                            rcl     ServoByte,              #1                      '(4 - clocks) Rotate "C Flag" right into ServoByte
                            cmpsub  ServoWidth1,            cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) subtract system counter from ServoWidth ; write result in C flag
                            rcl     ServoByte,              #1                      '(4 - clocks) Rotate "C Flag" right into ServoByte
                            shl     ServoByte ,             ZoneShift               '(4 - clocks) Shift data to proper port or Zone location.
                            mov     outa,                   ServoByte               '(4 - clocks) Send ServoByte to Zone Port
                            cmp     temp,                   cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) Determine if cnt has exceeded width of _ZoneClocks ; write result in C flag
                  if_NC     jmp     #ZoneLoop                                       '(4 - clocks) if the "C Flag" is not set stay in the current Zone
    '-----------------------------------------------End Tight Servo code--------------------------------------------------------------
    '                                                                        Total = 80 - clocks  @ 80MHz that's 1uS resolution


    Attachment removed...·updated version below

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 11/6/2007 8:13:54 AM GMT
  • deSilvadeSilva Posts: 2,967
    edited 2007-11-05 19:35
    Congrat! A VERY creative use of CMPSUB!
    I now understand how your de-glitching works.. You have the time for NINE events within 20ms, but need only EIGHT, so you can waste one...

    And yes: The Special-Register-Trap smile.gif

    I had another idea this morning:
               CMP  ServoWidthNN,    cnt   wc
      IF_NC    OR   ServoByte,  #|<(NN-1)

    Edit: Bad thinking: Beau only needs FOUR evens (as 8 ports are packaged in each zone), so he has FIVE to waste!

    Post Edited (deSilva) : 11/6/2007 2:17:55 PM GMT
  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2007-11-06 08:03

    Ok, well this has been a fun learning curve.· I thrive on being challenged this way thanks!!
    The previous "Solution" did not take into account that ServoByte needed to be reset or cleared on each ZoneLoop iteration.
    As a result, other zones got clobbered, and there's also a nasty bit overlapping·issue of trying to use 9-bit·variable with·an 8-bit port.
    Anyway, as I said I thrive on this·kind of challenge, and below is a slightly different solution that meets all the required needs, and actually has one instruction to spare.
    Whew!!· Enjoy!·
    Some other parts of the program could be optimized, but I will work on that later, after I am positive that there are no more gotcha's with this code.·
    '----------------------------------------------Start Tight Servo code-------------------------------------------------------------
             ZoneLoop       cmpsub  ServoWidth1,            cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) compare system counter to ServoWidth ; write result in C flag
                            muxc    ServoByte,              ZoneShift1              '(4 - clocks) Set ServoByte.Bit0 to "0" or "1" depending on the value of "C"
                            cmpsub  ServoWidth2,            cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) compare system counter to ServoWidth ; write result in C flag
                            muxc    ServoByte,              ZoneShift2              '(4 - clocks) Set ServoByte.Bit1 to "0" or "1" depending on the value of "C"
                            cmpsub  ServoWidth3,            cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) compare system counter to ServoWidth ; write result in C flag
                            muxc    ServoByte,              ZoneShift3              '(4 - clocks) Set ServoByte.Bit2 to "0" or "1" depending on the value of "C"
                            cmpsub  ServoWidth4,            cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) compare system counter to ServoWidth ; write result in C flag
                            muxc    ServoByte,              ZoneShift4              '(4 - clocks) Set ServoByte.Bit3 to "0" or "1" depending on the value of "C"
                            cmpsub  ServoWidth5,            cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) compare system counter to ServoWidth ; write result in C flag
                            muxc    ServoByte,              ZoneShift5              '(4 - clocks) Set ServoByte.Bit4 to "0" or "1" depending on the value of "C"
                            cmpsub  ServoWidth6,            cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) compare system counter to ServoWidth ; write result in C flag
                            muxc    ServoByte,              ZoneShift6              '(4 - clocks) Set ServoByte.Bit5 to "0" or "1" depending on the value of "C"
                            cmpsub  ServoWidth7,            cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) compare system counter to ServoWidth ; write result in C flag
                            muxc    ServoByte,              ZoneShift7              '(4 - clocks) Set ServoByte.Bit6 to "0" or "1" depending on the value of "C"
                            cmpsub  ServoWidth8,            cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) compare system counter to ServoWidth ; write result in C flag
                            muxc    ServoByte,              ZoneShift8              '(4 - clocks) Set ServoByte.Bit7 to "0" or "1" depending on the value of "C"
                            mov     outa,                   ServoByte               '(4 - clocks) Send ServoByte to Zone Port
                            cmp     temp,                   cnt           nr,wc     '(4 - clocks) Determine if cnt has exceeded width of _ZoneClocks ; write result in C flag
                            nop                                                     '(4 - clocks) We actually had one instruction to spare                        
                  if_NC     jmp     #ZoneLoop                                       '(4 - clocks) if the "C Flag" is not set stay in the current Zone
    '-----------------------------------------------End Tight Servo code--------------------------------------------------------------
    '                                                                        Total = 80 - clocks  @ 80MHz that's 1uS resolution

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 11/6/2007 8:11:51 AM GMT
  • deSilvadeSilva Posts: 2,967
    edited 2007-11-06 14:19
    This has become a real gem, extensively using two of the less well understood instructions... smile.gif
    Of course i still love my own solution, which effortless handles a mys resolution down to 40 MHz smilewinkgrin.gif
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