MSRS Support for the Boe-Bot?
I have a Boe-Bot working with MSRS V1.5, but I wonder what support Parallax is providing?
The MSRS Boe-Bot home page still has a link to V1.2 of the Bluetooth documentation as well as V1.4. However even the V1.4 is still for MSRS V1.0 and is from March this year.
Are there plans to release further versions of the software for MSRS? The current implementation is incomplete in some areas, which I am working on, but it is hard going.
The MSRS Boe-Bot home page still has a link to V1.2 of the Bluetooth documentation as well as V1.4. However even the V1.4 is still for MSRS V1.0 and is from March this year.
Are there plans to release further versions of the software for MSRS? The current implementation is incomplete in some areas, which I am working on, but it is hard going.
You have to realize the problem you are having is not with the BoeBot but rather with Microsoft. As in so many things Microsoft does, and Windoze is the primo example, they never fix anything or finish anything. Their products are always in a state of disrepair and in their case, there are always at least 100 more bugs.
They chose a few examples for the initial release of MSRS based on popularity. The fact that the Boe-Bot is one of them shows how popular Parallax is. According to the original press release Parallax and Microsoft developed the original version of the BoeBot software together. That's why there is a kit specifically for MSRS.
However, I thought the idea was for manufacturers to provide ongoing support of their own products under MSRS. Does anyone from Parallax care to comment?
Exactly why are you using MSRS in the first place?
- Stephen
Judging by the reaction from other forum members though, I doubt that anyone else cares.
- Stephen
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
Given the lack of response, I bit the bullet and I have updated the Boe-Bot services myself.
I have added functions to output to the pins directly so that I can turn LEDs on and off, and also to play a sound. I put RotateDegrees and DriveDistance handlers into the service, but they are not very reliable due to the fact that they rely on timers. However, it makes it a little easier to program the Boe-Bot.
If anyone is interested, please contact me and I can send you the updated services. One day I will probably post them somewhere on the net.
I have asked a similar question in a private email to Parallax; basically asking for a MSRS forum. The response from Parallax was we can keep MSRS related questions in the current forums for now.· If needed, they would create a new forum.· I guess it's kind of wait and see.
I would be interested in the extra services you added to MSRS.· Could you post them here or do you want to send them to me privately?·
Have you had any experience with the Boe-Bot and Roborealm?· I am having some difficulty and although they are really good in suggesting solutions, I am not closer to a solution yet.· You know, misery loves company.
For those folks who have not tried roborealm, you probably don't know what I am talking about.· Roborealm is a free download of computer vision and analysis software.· You can find out more about it at
I have some experience with roborealm. Can you send me some more info.
P.S. I cannot find a "why track color" tutorial at Roborealm's site. Can you send a link.
Robot vision is the the future, and Vision will take us there.
Post Edited (T0m) : 11/27/2007 6:13:49 PM GMT
Unfortunately I don't have any experience with RoboRealm. It's not for want of trying, but every time I start to get set up I get too busy. I have a Surveyor SRV-1 which has an on-board camera. My Boe-Bot does not currently have a camera, although I do have a small wireless spycam that I plan to attach to it.
As for the Boe-Bot services for MSRS, just drop me an e-mail if you want a copy. I would rather not post them here until I can get some feedback. If you are interested, please let me know.
Good luck with RoboRealm. It looks like a great product. I wish I had more time!
Jeff T.
I have been using MSRS v1.0 for learning and using some of the examples.· Seemed to work fine so far, but I would like to learn more about it.· I guess I need more hand holding.·
my_test_variable = GetVariable("my_test_variable")
SetVariable "my_test_variable", 100
Jeff T.
thanks for the script
BTW... do you know of a good basic level tutorial or book that discusses VBscript writing?
Robot vision is the the future, and Vision will take us there.
Post Edited (T0m) : 11/29/2007 4:08:30 AM GMT
Bob and Herbert: I can e-mail you the .robo file that I am using that has all the settings. Also, I too was looking for a good tutorial about VBscripting... there are lots of good tutorials... just google "how to write vbscript"
I would really appreciate the .robo file.· You should know that Steve at roborealm has been in discussion with me about the resolution of the cameras used.· He added a screen resolution scaling factor in the "Why Tract Color" tutorial download.· He told me to download it again.· After some adjustments on my side, as you have done, it apparently works.· In fact, last night was the first test of the bot actually tracking and moving to follow a red colored object (red bottle cap attached to the end of a pencil).·
I am now trying to work on the tilt and then pan.· I will be using the boe-bot controler within roborealm as I do now.· I do not have IR sensors so that is not activated.· the pan and tilt servos at using pins 14 and 15. Up to now the tilt servo seems to just keep tilting up.·
Please feel free·to send the file to my email address.· Look forward to it and look at the new download in roborealm.·
Robot vision is the the future, and Vision will take us there.