So, I got a $5 MCA25 camera, but wasn't getting anywhere with it...
I had my finger on the button to order a $50 C328R· (was trying to decide on which lens I wanted)...
Made one last try with the MCA25 and....· It's talking to me!
This thing might work after all!
It's just a matter of time now...· (and some German translation)
I've printed out data received from the camera on the screen as you can see in the photo:
I had my finger on the button to order a $50 C328R· (was trying to decide on which lens I wanted)...
Made one last try with the MCA25 and....· It's talking to me!
This thing might work after all!
It's just a matter of time now...· (and some German translation)
I've printed out data received from the camera on the screen as you can see in the photo:
Guess I'll be getting a C328R anyway...
I'm thinking that the problem is that 460800 doesn't divide evenly into 80 MHz... Who knows. I do have a RTC crystal and 6.25 MHz crystal around somewhere. I'll give these a try before really giving up...
moderately tight, but it shouldn't be too bad.
Now, it's talking to me at 460,800 baud!· This might really work after all...
Too bad I just ordered two C328R last night [noparse]:([/noparse]
Sadly, the format seems to be not exactly as given here:
Perhaps the camera had a firmware update since then... Or, more likely, I made a mistake somewhere...
Anybody else having any luck with this camera?
Could you post the data you receive from the cam ?
If you need something translated from german, just ask
On the other hand, I just got my C328R cameras in the mail today. So, my determination is wearing thin...
I'll post what I have this weekend, working or not...
Just got to this image (attached).· You can almost make out my ugly mug [noparse]:)[/noparse]
But, I'm missing a few pixels and a few don't look right (and it's upside down).· Also, the images seem to be coming out too dark...
Think I'll focus on trying to get the jpg and forget the preview stuff...
If I didn't have my new C328's right here, I guess I'd have to try interfacing the MCA25 in assembly...
I put my non-working code here:
Maybe somebody with more time can get it working...
Post Edited (Rayman) : 11/4/2007 8:19:49 PM GMT