CMUcam1 problem and BOE not registering
I'm·Kinda·worried...·alot when i plug·my CMUcam1·into·my basic stamp it won't register. When i try to program it the same error mesage pops up al the lights work·I·even looked on·your user support·forum's someone·else was having the same problem's.·I checked,·everything·was hooked up right·I followed the instructions to the "T". I·was·even very·carful of static. Is there anything i can do to fix it ?, oh and before·i forget·You know how you got the·BOE color·code like the Red BOE or the white BOE ect. does it what color the board is for my CMUcam its base board·with the 8 LEDs·is red instead of green like in all the pics thanks for dealing with me looking forward to your reply
················································································· Mr.Vault13
················································································· Mr.Vault13