BOE-BOT vs Penguin
I am so jealous of you Penguin owners.·
As a newbie to Parallax and the BOE-Bot I am still working on getting the IFRed LED's to detect obstacles accurately.· When I add the PING it hits the IFR emmiters and I am constantly adjusting the emitters.
I like how you use two emitters and only one receiver to detect obstacles.· Do you think this would work for the Boe-Bot?
I also purchased a smaller gripper from Lynx and am trying to figure a way to connect this to the Boe-Bot.· Has anyone done this?· Any suggestions on how to modify the Boe-Bot's top deck or add another deck for accessories like a crane-claw or ping?

Roy Carlson
As a newbie to Parallax and the BOE-Bot I am still working on getting the IFRed LED's to detect obstacles accurately.· When I add the PING it hits the IFR emmiters and I am constantly adjusting the emitters.
I like how you use two emitters and only one receiver to detect obstacles.· Do you think this would work for the Boe-Bot?
I also purchased a smaller gripper from Lynx and am trying to figure a way to connect this to the Boe-Bot.· Has anyone done this?· Any suggestions on how to modify the Boe-Bot's top deck or add another deck for accessories like a crane-claw or ping?

Roy Carlson
Have you looked at the Parallax gripper annd PING))) holder products? and should give you some ideas and inspiration
BTW, you may not want to put your personal phone number and e-mail address as part of your signature... you kind of opening yourself up for all the world to see.
Post Edited (Steve Joblin) : 10/21/2007 1:53:00 PM GMT
above the IR tranmitters. The IR does not have a lot
of range, hence it's used primarily for close range
obstacle detection.
If you're talking about writing IR code for the BoeBot
using the technique of two transmitters with one
receiver, I suggest downloading the Penguin robot
examples posted on the Parallax web site to see how
it works.
Also take a look at the book, Robotics with the Boe-Bot
Student Guide Version 2.2, chapter 7, where it describes
the use of two transmitters and one receiver. This book
also includes required software.
Of course, as a first resort, get a Penguin asap. The
hardware is already assembled and the software is
available at no added cost. Plus, Penguin is one of the
most well supported robots on the forum with both
hardware mods and new software frequently posted.
You can modify the BoeBot by installing some extension
bolts and spacers. This will allow adding another board
under or on top of the existing one. It should work well
for your added gripper. I added several boards to my
BoeBot, proving it has excellent capacity.
I don't have the gripper/servo from Lynxmotion. If the servo
is compatible with the Parallax' servo, it would require a standard
signal connection on a port to get it working, along with power
connections as well. You may want to do the extra battery mod,
listed by Parallax Inc., if this servo will have a lot of use.
Eventually I will move to the Penguin as I think it is the coolest thing I have ever seen.
Maybe I will sell all the Boe-Bot items on eBay to recover some of my out of pocket costs.