Another very simple question: Where to connect RS232 TTL converter to board of
I have BS2-IC Board of education.
And I want to input to the education board a RS232 input with RS232-TTL converter like the one below:
From the picture in the above document, the TTL side pin1(5V input) do we connect it to Vdd on the board of education, and pin 4(ground) do we connect it to Vss on the board of education?
And I want to input to the education board a RS232 input with RS232-TTL converter like the one below:
From the picture in the above document, the TTL side pin1(5V input) do we connect it to Vdd on the board of education, and pin 4(ground) do we connect it to Vss on the board of education?
Looking at the pdf I'm pretty sure that those are the power connections, so you would connect pin 1 to Vdd (+5 volts power) and pin 4 to ground (Vss).
- Rick
Post Edited (RDL2004) : 10/20/2007 1:31:31 PM GMT