Problem with date generator program
Posts: 96
Hi folks,
I have a RTC program operating OK on a Prop. (secs/mins/hours)
Recently I decided to add the date functions.
Most of it worked but it has a problem that I don't understand.
The code shown below is a "stripped down" version with only the affected bits shown.
Basically, the date is initialised as a "day" number and then interpreted into day/month variables and subsequently displayed.
I have used a Case list to interpret the totalday number into day/month variables.
That is what is supposed to happen, but the day/month numbers do not work correctly.
I set up a display Cog to monitor the values resulting from various initial "totalday" values.
With the code as shown, the "day" is OK until the totalday= 120, and the "month" until it = 181.
Anything above that value reads as 00.
If the Check_leap code is remarked out, the values change to: "day" limit is totalday = 243 and "month" until it = 304.
Above that reads 00 also.
I haven't a clue as to what is going on here. (it is the same on two Props.)
Is there a problem with the code method?
Perth, Western Australia
Time Zone = GMT + 8
I have a RTC program operating OK on a Prop. (secs/mins/hours)
Recently I decided to add the date functions.
Most of it worked but it has a problem that I don't understand.
The code shown below is a "stripped down" version with only the affected bits shown.
Basically, the date is initialised as a "day" number and then interpreted into day/month variables and subsequently displayed.
I have used a Case list to interpret the totalday number into day/month variables.
That is what is supposed to happen, but the day/month numbers do not work correctly.
I set up a display Cog to monitor the values resulting from various initial "totalday" values.
With the code as shown, the "day" is OK until the totalday= 120, and the "month" until it = 181.
Anything above that value reads as 00.
If the Check_leap code is remarked out, the values change to: "day" limit is totalday = 243 and "month" until it = 304.
Above that reads 00 also.
I haven't a clue as to what is going on here. (it is the same on two Props.)
Is there a problem with the code method?
con _clkmode = xtal1 _clkfreq = 5_000_000 ' 5 mHz lsb = 16 msb = 22 var long stack0[noparse][[/noparse]100] word totalday byte year byte day byte month word dayPtr word monthPtr byte Feb_days obj LCD:"ahmLCD_2" ' LCD program pub main dayPtr := @day ' set pointer to day variable monthPtr := @month ' set pointer to month variable cognew(display(dayPtr, monthPtr), @stack0) 'start a Cog to display day/month numbers { initial preset date } year := 07 totalday := 181 ' initial value check_rollover ' interpret total days {check for leap year} pub check_leap if year//4 == 0 Feb_days := 29 else Feb_days := 28 pub check_rollover check_leap ' check for leap year {Interpret totalday into day/month } case totalday 01..31 : month := 01 ' January day := totalday 32..59 : month := 02 ' February day := totalday - 31 60..90 : month := 03 ' March day := totalday - 59 91..120 : month := 04 ' April day := totalday - 90 121..151 : month := 05 ' May day := totalday - 120 152..181 : month := 06 ' June day := totalday - 151 182..212 : month := 07 ' July day := totalday - 181 213..243 : month := 08 ' August day := totalday - 212 244..273 : month := 09 ' September day := totalday - 243 274..304 : month := 10 ' October day := totalday - 273 305..334 : month := 11 ' November day := totalday - 304 335..365 : month := 12 ' December day := totalday - 334 { display day/month on LCD } pub display(dPtr, mPtr) | D, M, daytens, dayunits, monthtens, monthunits D := byte[noparse][[/noparse]dPtr] M := byte[noparse][[/noparse]mPtr] LCD.init repeat LCD.pos(1,1) daytens := D/10 LCD.write(daytens + 48) ' display day/tens dayunits := D//10 LCD.write(dayunits + 48) ' display day/units LCD.write("/") monthtens := M/10 LCD.write(monthtens + 48) ' display month/tens monthunits := M//10 LCD.write(monthunits + 48) ' display month/units
Perth, Western Australia
Time Zone = GMT + 8
Maybe I'm wrong, but in your Display, you only display daytens and not day.
Never use force, just go for a bigger hammer!
The DIY Digital-Readout for mills, lathes etc.:
The display works, OK - it's what ends up in the variables "day" and "month" that is the problem!
These values are passed via pointers to the display code.
Perth, Western Australia
Time Zone = GMT + 8
Looks like it _may_ be something in your display routine; I've converted you spin to display using TV_Text, run it on GEAR, and it's working fine!
Here's my version:
You'll always have as many take-offs as landings, the trick is to be sure you can take-off again ;-)
BTW: I type as I'm thinking, so please don't take any offense at my writing style
The LCD itself is OK and the code used to display the numbers is normal and should work.
It displays the numbers OK up to those limits mentioned.
Tomorrow I think I'll try a new Prop. and see what happens.
If I can locate my LCD TV screen I'll try your code also.
Perth, Western Australia
Time Zone = GMT + 8
When programming, you have to be aware of one thing:
The error is always in your code. Don't look in the hardware.
Never use force, just go for a bigger hammer!
The DIY Digital-Readout for mills, lathes etc.:
Personally, I would not bother with using byte and word variable types and just use long for everything. Then you don't have to worry about byte alignments in memory, propagation of sign bits, etc.
Stan Dobrowski
I think the 'should' in your reply is the indicator!
Given that I've only really changed the output driver - from LCD to TV_Text - I would suggest that the problem lay in the LCD driver object...
Might be worth posting that object here to see if anyone can spot the problem (though I admit, it seems a bit weird that a driver would do this.)
You'll always have as many take-offs as landings, the trick is to be sure you can take-off again ;-)
BTW: I type as I'm thinking, so please don't take any offense at my writing style
I found that when I commented out check_leap it worked which made no sense at all, I looked at all the possible overwriting of memory location options and nothing made sense.
Then just by accident I had a thought, he is trying to display the data using his new cog before he has even created it using check_rollover, the call the check_leap gave the display cog even more time to get running before is started to display.
The two options to fix it are to either run check_rollover before calling display or put the:
D := byte[noparse][[/noparse]dPtr]
M := byte[noparse][[/noparse]mPtr]
in the display loop.
The reason is started at a certain date was because it had to do more case checks so delaying the check_rollover routine further.
if year // 4 == 0
If year is a multiple of 400, then it is NOT a leap year.
regards peter
No, if a year is a multiple of 100 then it is not a leap year UNLESS it is also a multiple of 400.
From Wikipedia:
The Gregorian calendar, the current standard calendar in most of the world, adds a 29th day to February in all years evenly divisible by 4, except for centennial years (those ending in -00) which are not evenly divisible by 400. Thus 1600, 2000 and 2400 are leap years but 1700, 1800, 1900, 2100, 2200 and 2300 are not.
That's right.
Thanks for the correction.
regards peter
Thanks for the heads-up - I'd not realised GEAR had that effect.
You'll always have as many take-offs as landings, the trick is to be sure you can take-off again ;-)
BTW: I type as I'm thinking, so please don't take any offense at my writing style
I don't think I'll be around for the next multiple of 100.
The clock is only intended to cover the next 10-20 years.
Thanks for your "in depth" look at it.
What you say makes sense - I would never have worked that out, except maybe by trial and error with the code.
I need to clear my head and come back to it in a couple of days.
Incidentally, my reference to "trying another Prop. " was the result of a very tired mind.(and frustration!)
Perth, Western Australia
Time Zone = GMT + 8
Post Edited (kenmac) : 10/20/2007 1:23:59 AM GMT
I moved the "read the global variables" lines into the loop and that fixed it.
The display wasn't updating from the initial values because the read commands were outside the loop.
I should have spotted that one, but you stare at the code for so long you become blind to the obvious!
It's great to have someone else check it - much appreciated.
I now have a fully working RTC, and can complete the remainder of the project.
Thanks again.
Perth, Western Australia
Time Zone = GMT + 8