Stray voltage fed thru an input pin to the 5V supply
Hello all,
My first post.·
I am having problems with an application where I am sensing 12V·using an BS2.· I have the 12V input wired in series with a 10K resistor to an input pin.· What I notice is that my display will not start if that input is HI during startup.· I checked and I have found that I have stray voltage being fed thru the BS2 to the 5V supply if the input is HI before power up. Can anyone sugguest how to get around this.· I am sure it is something simple as I could not imagine that all your inputs would have to be active LOW during startup so that the display can start.
My first post.·
I am having problems with an application where I am sensing 12V·using an BS2.· I have the 12V input wired in series with a 10K resistor to an input pin.· What I notice is that my display will not start if that input is HI during startup.· I checked and I have found that I have stray voltage being fed thru the BS2 to the 5V supply if the input is HI before power up. Can anyone sugguest how to get around this.· I am sure it is something simple as I could not imagine that all your inputs would have to be active LOW during startup so that the display can start.
- Stephen
Can you give us a schematic of what you're doing?
Are you saying the 5v bus sees 12v?
Tom Sisk