I need a simple IR transmitter capable of sending two different IR Codes to a DVR. Each code would be sent when a corresponding input is pulled low. Can anyone help?
I used the IR BOE BOT paper DEBUG and PULSIN 0 and then·1 to build a receiver to tertermine the on off times of the first few bursts and then then RCTIME to count the number of bursts/cycles.
This tutorial goes into detail about how IR remote control works and goes through a variety of examples using a Stamp.
The basic tutorial "What's a microcontroller?" discusses basic concepts like sensing switch closures, etc. here: www.parallax.com/detail.asp?product_id=28152.
This may also help.
Parallax, Resources, Customer Applications, IR Repeater.
As the application states, the code was created prior to fully understanding the protocols involved.
The appendix discription is correct for the Magnavox TV and the RCA TV/satellite receiver.
For the best results, you will need a stable 38KHz/40KHz oscillator. The 555 arrangement has stability issues if you hant to communicate over a long distance. It is fine for the applications described by Parallax. I purchased the oscillator from http://www.rentron.com/PicBasic/RemoteControl.htm·and http://www.rentron.com/remote_control/TX-IR.htm·and http://www.rentron.com/Files/TX-IR.pdf.
I used the IR BOE BOT paper DEBUG and PULSIN 0 and then·1 to build a receiver to tertermine the on off times of the first few bursts and then then RCTIME to count the number of bursts/cycles.