SEROUT and Motor Mind B Help
I always have trouble formatting the information I send out with the SEROUT command.· Can someone please assist:
This is what I'm trying
0 is the baud mode for BS1 2400 baude
85 is the sync command in decimal
3 is the command for setdc or running the motor basically
and speed is a byte from 0-255 for the speed
I can't get the motor to run at all and I don't have any idea if the motor mind is reciving the info.
I have debug lines so I know the BS1 is getting past the serout command.· I also check the pins of the motor mind and I know that it is getting power, etc.· I've tested the motor seperatley with the power supply an it works
SEROUT 7, 0, (#85,#3, speed )
This is what I'm trying
0 is the baud mode for BS1 2400 baude
85 is the sync command in decimal
3 is the command for setdc or running the motor basically
and speed is a byte from 0-255 for the speed
I can't get the motor to run at all and I don't have any idea if the motor mind is reciving the info.
I have debug lines so I know the BS1 is getting past the serout command.· I also check the pins of the motor mind and I know that it is getting power, etc.· I've tested the motor seperatley with the power supply an it works
SEROUT 7, 0, (#85,#3, speed )
Use: SEROUT (85,3,speed)
Hope that helps