Stamp Directive Mismatch Error.
I've been trying to install the Mac version of the software at our school system for my intro to engineering students.
I can get the software/drivers to work properly on my new Intel based MAC, but on the older MACs (which is what I have the majority of) the software gives
the following error:
Stamp Directive Mismatch
I get this error with "both" of the latest versions of the FTID USB-Serial Driver (the ones that came on the disk).
When I try downloading the driver provided by the person who wrote the MAC port of the software, the BOE Bot doesn't communicate with the software, at all.
The MAC I'm using is as follows:
OS X 10.4.10
700 PPC G4
15 GB of Free hard drive space.
USB port is the connection type, there are no serial ports available.
Additionally, the software doesn't seem to recognize the install of the tokenizer, it shows an error in the top right of the screen saying it is unrecognized, even though I have double and triple verified the location/file and reinstalled it multiple times into the correct directory MacHD: Library/CFMSupport, and I have gotten it to work just fine on the newer Intel MAC.
I realize that MAC is only "pseudo" supported, but any guidance you can offer to get this running would be greatly appreciated.
It does say MAC support on the product box and on the web site, and this really needs to be running very soon (within the next few weeks). I have other alternatives available
for PC/Emulator access, but they are not very attractive (requiring a complete restructuring of the class meeting place and separation of the project work from the programming).
I have the Department of Education BOE Bot kits, which we purchased Qty (8) of this year.
Thank you.
Addison Chrystie
Physics/Engineering Instructor
I can get the software/drivers to work properly on my new Intel based MAC, but on the older MACs (which is what I have the majority of) the software gives
the following error:
Stamp Directive Mismatch
I get this error with "both" of the latest versions of the FTID USB-Serial Driver (the ones that came on the disk).
When I try downloading the driver provided by the person who wrote the MAC port of the software, the BOE Bot doesn't communicate with the software, at all.
The MAC I'm using is as follows:
OS X 10.4.10
700 PPC G4
15 GB of Free hard drive space.
USB port is the connection type, there are no serial ports available.
Additionally, the software doesn't seem to recognize the install of the tokenizer, it shows an error in the top right of the screen saying it is unrecognized, even though I have double and triple verified the location/file and reinstalled it multiple times into the correct directory MacHD: Library/CFMSupport, and I have gotten it to work just fine on the newer Intel MAC.
I realize that MAC is only "pseudo" supported, but any guidance you can offer to get this running would be greatly appreciated.
It does say MAC support on the product box and on the web site, and this really needs to be running very soon (within the next few weeks). I have other alternatives available
for PC/Emulator access, but they are not very attractive (requiring a complete restructuring of the class meeting place and separation of the project work from the programming).
I have the Department of Education BOE Bot kits, which we purchased Qty (8) of this year.
Thank you.
Addison Chrystie
Physics/Engineering Instructor
Are you sure your BS2 selection matches the BS2 'flavor' you're trying to program?
Yes I believe the mismatch error is typically from that issue, but I'm pretty sure I went through and not only changed to my "flavor", but tried other "flavors" as well.
I'll give it another go later though.
I'll also try the complete uninstall reinstall, however, I have already tried that numerous times, just not with "every" possible permutation.
Any more options would be greatly appreciated.