Two-dimensional floating point arrays in BS2
I am a new BS2-programmer. Can any one suggest me how to create·two-dimensional floating point arrays in BS2?
GN Reddy
I am a new BS2-programmer. Can any one suggest me how to create·two-dimensional floating point arrays in BS2?
GN Reddy
2. The BS2 PBasic does not support floating point.
So, the conclusion is: Use another platform, the BS2 ain't gonna do it.
The BS2 and PBasic also don't provide arrays, but a 2 dimensional array is possible to create through your own code. PBasic essentially supports integer math operations. So without a math coprocesser chip [noparse][[/noparse]which does exist], you are going to have to create floating point structures in PBasic code.
If you really desire a tiny 2-D array, it might be possible. And, you certainly will learn a lot along the way. Like Leonardo was implying limitations have a way of really honing one's understanding of the principals involved.
"Everything in the world is purchased by labour; and our passions are the only causes of labor." -- David·Hume (1711-76)········
Both the uFPU and EEPROM chips are available directly from