uOLED trouble
I am trying to use the uSD card to display an image on the uOLED display.
Should this statment display the image I loaded into a 1gb uSD card.?
··· SEROUT TxPin, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]"@","I",0,0,128,128,16,$20,$00,$00]
When this statment is sent to the display, the display freezes and needs to be reset.
I used the Graphics Composer to put the image onto the card,
and the location showed 0x200000 in the text file.
I'm not having any trouble using the uOLED for non-SD comands.
File "C:\My Documents\My Pictures\Building1.bmp"
Location = 0x200000(2097152)
Width = 128 Height = 128 Bits = 16
64, 73, 0, 0, 128, 128, 16, 0, 16, 0
Cmd (0) = 40
Cmd (1) = 49
Cmd (2) = 0
Cmd (3) = 0
Cmd (4) = 80
Cmd (5) = 80
Cmd (6) = 10
Cmd (7) = 0
Cmd (8) = 10
Cmd (9) = 0
Cmd (A) = B
Cmd (B) = 0
Cmd (C) = 0
Cmd (D) = 0
Cmd (E) = 0
Should this statment display the image I loaded into a 1gb uSD card.?
··· SEROUT TxPin, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]"@","I",0,0,128,128,16,$20,$00,$00]
When this statment is sent to the display, the display freezes and needs to be reset.
I used the Graphics Composer to put the image onto the card,
and the location showed 0x200000 in the text file.
I'm not having any trouble using the uOLED for non-SD comands.
File "C:\My Documents\My Pictures\Building1.bmp"
Location = 0x200000(2097152)
Width = 128 Height = 128 Bits = 16
64, 73, 0, 0, 128, 128, 16, 0, 16, 0
Cmd (0) = 40
Cmd (1) = 49
Cmd (2) = 0
Cmd (3) = 0
Cmd (4) = 80
Cmd (5) = 80
Cmd (6) = 10
Cmd (7) = 0
Cmd (8) = 10
Cmd (9) = 0
Cmd (A) = B
Cmd (B) = 0
Cmd (C) = 0
Cmd (D) = 0
Cmd (E) = 0
The line that works to display the image loaded above:
SEROUT TxPin, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]"@","I",$00,$00,$80,$80,$10,00,$10,$f3]
Post Edited (Interact) : 10/17/2007 5:36:40 PM GMT
·· I have seen two posts with issues regarding displaying images so I decided to try this again myself. My original card is 512MB so I loaded it with three images generating the following .txt command output file. The attached BS2 program properly displays the three images as well. I then noticed you were using a 1GB card so I got one and tried it and was surprised that it did not work. I actually got garbage instead of the pictures. I also have a 64MB card so I tried that one. This one displayed ½ of each of the first two images, then the latter half of the second and first half of the third, etc.
·· I had loaded all these cards using the USB interface (Card Reader) so I decided to use the optional USB programming adapter 4D Systems has for the displays. One at a time I inserted each card and downloaded the data directly to the display and then ran the BS2 program. Each worked this time. It seems the version of the Graphics Loader that I am using ( doesn’t properly write the data to the card through a card reader, but does when going through the display interface. Perhaps an update to the software will cure this issue. I will contact 4D about it and see what can be done. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
File "C:\Documents and Settings\csavage\My Documents\My Pictures\uOLED\BlueGlobe.bmp"
Location = 0x200000(2097152)
Width = 128 Height = 128 Bits = 16
File "C:\Documents and Settings\csavage\My Documents\My Pictures\uOLED\Gnome.bmp"
Location = 0x208000(2129920)
Width = 128 Height = 128 Bits = 16
File "C:\Documents and Settings\csavage\My Documents\My Pictures\uOLED\ShootingStars.bmp"
Location = 0x210000(2162688)
Width = 128 Height = 128 Bits = 16
But looking at the data further down the list:
Cmd (13) = 80
Cmd (14) = 80
Cmd (15) = 10
Cmd (16) = 0
Cmd (17) = 10
Cmd (18) = 40
Cmd (19) = 7
Cmd (1A) = 3
It shows it stored at $001040
which is 64 sectors later. right?
And your test program reads the first image at $001000 not $200000 as stated in the manual and text file
Post Edited (Interact) : 10/17/2007 6:36:17 PM GMT
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
First of all check the PmmC version in your module. You can do this by issuing the "Version" command to the display, 0x56, 0x01
The latest PmmC is rev 4, which can be downloaded from here:
and the file is uOLED-128-GMD1-uSD-Serial rev4.pmmc
After issuing the Version command, the last line on the display tells you the latest software (PmmC) revision which should have a value of 14. If not then you need to do a PmmC update.
We'll proceed further after your reply.
So this is what·my screen says:
Device : uOLED
X Res: 128
Y Res: 128
Hardware Rev: 10
Software Rev: 12
So it looks like I need to do a PmmC update?
Is there a way to do this without a direct connection to a PC.
My·uOLED is controlled through a BASIC stamp, and I don't have a way to connect it to a PC directly, I can download to the stamp.
Chris, can you try this update or check your unit for it's version. I don't have the little gizmo to allow me to download to the display directly, and I dont see it listed for sale on the Parralax site.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
My timing is just great. I tried for two hours to find the little USB / PC plug that 4D was talking about. I went on to buy a OLED from Parallax at 3:30 AM central. So I guess I will need to order the Prop Plug now.
"Hey Chris", what ya say you get Parallax to furnish Mr. Interact with a free PLUG since he headed off this problem.
And one more item, Can I get free overnight shipping on a plug since I couldn't find it this morning?
I know... Don't push your luck.
At least 4D and Chris are on the ball to clear it up.
Thanks for the post I.
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
4D Systems has their own adapter designed specifically for this display. The documentation and link on our site (which was live yesterday) shows how to accomplish the same thing with our Prop Plug. We have our own device so we have made use of it. Based on the results of testing the two methods of getting data on the card it is my firm belief that the Graphics Composer is where the issue is at. However this is my personal opinion and as we are not the author of the firmware or the software I cannot say 100% that this is the issue. 4D Systems will need to identify such issues. Until then I can only try to help with the issues currently presented.
Again, the work-around seems to be loading images to the card through the display. This could be accomplished in more than one way. All the software cares about is a serial connection. So in theory this could be done with a MAX3232E or similar setup. USB is not necessary as it’s all VCP anyway. Of course, connecting the display lines directly to a PC Serial Port would damage the display so you don’t want to do that.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
I even checked with Mr. Interact a few days ago and it is a NO on any response.
I ordered the USB/Serial micro USB-CE5·on Tuesday this week to see what I could get going.
I was going to try Chris Savage's hard wire work around·for serial downloads of images to the sd card. But I decided it was too risky and may
have to have·different software or comms programs to work. Link below is from Parrallax and it came from the Propeller section·of their website.
Chris said that "in theory this could be done with a MAX3232E or similar setup" , but I guess we all should just wait for 4D, to drive a stake in the software.
I noticed today that Parallax now has the new "μOLED-96-PROP" Link =
I bought this a few days ago from another firm since Parallax didn't have it at that time.
I understand that there should be a μOLED-96-PROP out in a serial version soon..· Not sure of any real details.
I'll dive over to 4D tonight and see what is cooking.
Also , Dontronics seems to have a lot of information on 4D stuff, so I will check there as well.
Sorry whit,,
I;ll keep my eyes open for some data.
Warning ,, Meant to add this to the last email.
Chris also stated ....................
·Of course, connecting the display lines directly to a PC Serial Port would damage the display so you don’t want to do that.
Here is a comment from Atilla at 4D's website:
Registered: 18/03/07
Posts: 95 Yesterday at 04:12 AM
We're having a closer look at the Graphics Composer and will make another release if we find any issues.
End of Comment:
Rix Out
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
·· The uUSB-CE5 will work or the Prop Plug for either display.· The only risk from my suggestion is if you're using a serial port.· My path was actually using the Prop Plug to download the pictures and this uses the same Graphics Composer Software.· The difference is (as I mentioned in the other post) that this method worked regardless of the size of the card.· Please note that since the uOLED-96-Prop is essentially a Propeller Board, if you have the Prop Plug or even the USB2SER device you can connect and program this display.· Note too you mentioned a serial version, but inherently these devices are all serial anyway.· It's just a matter of whether you're using a USB to Serial adapter or a MAX232 type line driver to come from a standard serial port.· Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
The mention of a serial version of the uOLED-96-PROP may actually be a reference to the new uOLED-96-G1 from 4D Systems. The 96-G1 uses the same display as the 96-PROP, but it's powered by the 4D Labs GOLDELOX processor (the same one that is used on the uOLED-128_GMD1 that Parallax sells and it is much the same as the 128-GMD1 except for its smaller size). The "serial" part of the description of the 128-GMD1 and the new 96-G1 refers to the PmmC microcode and the serial command interface to the complete set of graphics, text and uSD commands available with these dispalys. While the 96-PROP does use a serial interface to program the Propeller chip (like all Prop development boards), the display and the uSD card on the 96-PROP are controlled directly by SPIN or ASM code, not serial commands.
For clarification for others though, while the Propeller is responsible for communication with the SD Card, in theory, with a properly written object the uOLED-96-Prop could be made to look and act just like the uOLED-128-GMD (with reduced resolution). The current functionality (or lack thereof) is merely a function of the current code available. Over time more objects will be created which will have more functionality.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support