Help, dealing with millivolt input
I'm a newbie·, any help would be apreciated..
What i need to do is this ,· read analog mv input(6-50mv) and input it into·a·3 digit integer.
I·have bs2p chip,·adc,· i also have a few op amps(but dont know how to use them).
·I would need a componet diagram, and· some code to get started.
·any help would be appreciated..
What i need to do is this ,· read analog mv input(6-50mv) and input it into·a·3 digit integer.
I·have bs2p chip,·adc,· i also have a few op amps(but dont know how to use them).
·I would need a componet diagram, and· some code to get started.
·any help would be appreciated..
The data sheets that goes with these parts usally gives examples on the hookup and any needed external components (resistors, caps..). Look online for the datasheets - Digi-Key ( usally has a link to them if you search the part number.