If anyone wants to check it out. I was told that some of my work on information theory and immunochemistry was followed up at White Sands. But that was a long time ago... I was an undergrad at the U of I at the time.
Very exciting news Ken and all! I dare anyone to hold a Ping))) in their hands and leave the store with out one!
I have to say, we have a couple of individual stores around here that are pretty well stocked - usually with two or three "What's a Microcontroller?" packages hanging on the wall. Lots of parts - though some bins are disordered. We also have a 20 something young woman working at our store who is a major electronics nerd and she knows her stuff. Pretty rare these days.
I hope Radio Shack continues this idea!
Hey, I stopped in Radio Shack the other day. The young woman mentioned above showed me how they are redoing the whole parts bin area. She was very excited to have all this stuff coming in. She did not know about all the Parallax stuff yet. When I told her - she thouhgt it was great. She credited the CEO too.
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
Confirmed at my local Radio Shack here in upstate New York! I stopped by today to see what was there. I asked the kid the kid that ran up to me when I walked in if he knew anything about the Parallax sensors that were due in. He had no clue what who/what Parallax was. So I proceeded to walk to the parts drawers with him following behind like an obedient puppy. I started looking though them and sure enough, in the "IC" drawer, there was 5-6 empty spots, labeled with part #'s, prices and the Parallax name. The sales associate looked up the part #'s in his computer, but they didn't exist yet, same with Radio Shack's website.
Ken Gracey said...
Their prices will be like ours, plus $2 or so.
I can confirm this. For example, the PING was priced at $32.95, whereas the same item directly from Parallax costs $29.95. I plan to pick up at least a Ping once they start carrying them. It would be nice if they had some Propeller items as well though, but would that be above most of their customers heads?
Hello my fellow electronics fans, engineers, and hobbyists!
I'm not always able to post replies on these forums. (I'm still in the learning, not yet ready to help others, phase of my stamping experience), but this one hit's close to home.
Eighteen years ago, as a young man I started on my quest to understand and create wonderful and exciting things with electronics. I started out by reading what I still think is a great book- Getting Started in Electronics by Forrest M. Mims III.
Anyways, back then I would stroll into radio shack just to look at the different components and familiarize myself with them. I have to admit that I was a little intimidated by the sales help they had at that time who would ask me if I needed help finding something. I didn't even know what to look for! Those guy's knew about what they had there, and how to use it. To be blunt they were electronics geeks like I was aspiring to be, and am still striving to achieve that treasured status!
Over the years I have noticed a shift in the equation. I am now running in to get exactly the parts I need, but the walls of components have given way to a few sparsely stocked drawers, and the knowledgeable sales men have been replaced by teenagers that are more interested in selling the latest cell phones and computers.
Well thanks for letting me rant a little and I really hope that Radio Shack does get "back to their roots". How great would it be to walk into the store and pick up the latest and greatest from Parallax?
I miss the dog!
the fly relates to my job.
I've never pubished a single word... never had to.
Sort of like an architect playing with bricks, huh?
I wasn't offended. I just wanted my stock tip taken seriously.
"Can Parallax save Radio Shack?" [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I'll echo the sentiment of buying Parallax stuff from Radio Shack even at a couple bucks more.
Go Ken!
Buttons . . . check. Dials . . . check. Switches . . . check. Little colored lights . . . check.
— Calvin, of 'Calvin and Hobbes.
ditto, the difference in cost will probably be little or nothing considering the fact you will not pay any shipping.
and again, there's that instant gratification.
uController.com - home of SpinStudio
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I have to say, we have a couple of individual stores around here that are pretty well stocked - usually with two or three "What's a Microcontroller?" packages hanging on the wall. Lots of parts - though some bins are disordered. We also have a 20 something young woman working at our store who is a major electronics nerd and she knows her stuff. Pretty rare these days.
I hope Radio Shack continues this idea!
Hey, I stopped in Radio Shack the other day. The young woman mentioned above showed me how they are redoing the whole parts bin area. She was very excited to have all this stuff coming in. She did not know about all the Parallax stuff yet. When I told her - she thouhgt it was great. She credited the CEO too.
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
Post Edited (Whit) : 10/21/2007 11:33:30 PM GMT
I can confirm this. For example, the PING was priced at $32.95, whereas the same item directly from Parallax costs $29.95. I plan to pick up at least a Ping once they start carrying them. It would be nice if they had some Propeller items as well though, but would that be above most of their customers heads?
uController.com - home of SpinStudio
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
uController.com - home of SpinStudio
All the other parts bins are more full and more complete than I have ever seen them!
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
I'm not always able to post replies on these forums. (I'm still in the learning, not yet ready to help others, phase of my stamping experience), but this one hit's close to home.
Eighteen years ago, as a young man I started on my quest to understand and create wonderful and exciting things with electronics. I started out by reading what I still think is a great book- Getting Started in Electronics by Forrest M. Mims III.
Anyways, back then I would stroll into radio shack just to look at the different components and familiarize myself with them. I have to admit that I was a little intimidated by the sales help they had at that time who would ask me if I needed help finding something. I didn't even know what to look for!
Over the years I have noticed a shift in the equation. I am now running in to get exactly the parts I need, but the walls of components have given way to a few sparsely stocked drawers, and the knowledgeable sales men have been replaced by teenagers that are more interested in selling the latest cell phones and computers.
Well thanks for letting me rant a little and I really hope that Radio Shack does get "back to their roots". How great would it be to walk into the store and pick up the latest and greatest from Parallax?
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
I had one of the salespersons run the part numbers on the drawer, and they aren't even in the system yet.
276-0029 and 276-0031 are a couple of the numbers I seem to remember. That's not a valid part # on their website either.
uController.com - home of SpinStudio
PropNIC - Add ethernet ability to your Propeller!
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