at modem commands with usb data logger
I am using the usb data logger to monitor the functions of a device we are building for a client . I would like to be able to send out at commands to a cell phone so it can send a SMS if machine is out of spec. I have been able to use hypertermianl to send out an sms . Now I need to be able to use my BS2. the command is somthing like this :AT+CMGW="123434567890" <CR>, THE FREAKING THING IS BROKEN<CTRL-C>
which command do I use to do that?
I am a bit fuzzy about the mechanics of usb .Can I connect to device to one use port, or do I have to use a second port
? Is their one one the data logger? is that what that second header is all about . any help would be great .
which command do I use to do that?
I am a bit fuzzy about the mechanics of usb .Can I connect to device to one use port, or do I have to use a second port
? Is their one one the data logger? is that what that second header is all about . any help would be great .
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support