PROJECT: Hydra Repeat [complete]
Hydra Repeat/Simon
This is my attempt to make a "Pocket Simon"-like game for the Hydra.
Version 1.1 is attatched. All known issues have been fixed with the exception of high scores being lost after reset (which I'm not going to fix.)
Post Edited (Spork Frog) : 11/17/2007 2:51:47 PM GMT
This is my attempt to make a "Pocket Simon"-like game for the Hydra.
Version 1.1 is attatched. All known issues have been fixed with the exception of high scores being lost after reset (which I'm not going to fix.)
Post Edited (Spork Frog) : 11/17/2007 2:51:47 PM GMT
Although not to sound like a pain or anything.
I'm not sure if you can include HEL_gfx_engine and NS_sound_drv in your post.
Since those two files are from the Hydra CD, they're not allowed to be distributed.
If you'd like 100% open source freedom. Then why not try another video driver and another sound driver?
Good video drivers can be found at:
As for sound, your best bet is Hydra Sound System (Hss) or HYDRA Dense Music Format (HDMF).
Hope that helps. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I used HEL mostly becasue I could just palette swap and it was easy, but another driver may be used anyway since it's overkill. Same goes for the sound driver; I could just simply output a single frequency using one of the prop's counters and it would work just as well.
I also tweaked the luma a little bit to make the colors a little brighter, coming up in the next ver pretty quick.
How about adding four LEDs in addition to the screen, extra hardware is always fun...
Living on the planet Earth might be expensive but it includes a free trip around the sun every year...
Experience level:
[noparse][[/noparse] ] Let's connect the motor to pin 1, it's a 6V motor so it should be fine.
[noparse][[/noparse] ] OK, I got my resistors hooked up with the LEDs.
[noparse][[/noparse]X] I got the Motor hooked up with the H-bridge and the 555 is supplying the PWM.
[noparse][[/noparse] ] Now, if I can only program the BOE-BOT to interface with he Flux Capacitor.
[noparse][[/noparse] ] I dream in SX28 assembler...
I'm almost finished with the actual graphical part of it. I'm going to modify the Spectrum driver a little bit to do pallette swapping to simulate pressing one of the buttons on screen.
The engine part is the same as it was- 1=up, 2=left, 3=down, 4=right. No updates there yet.
Next up will be pallette swapping and user input.
I sometimes get like you described, don't tend to finish stuff, leave it be. I can start it, but hardly finish anything. But you're right, it is a learning experience the whole way through, which is why I do stuff like this in the first place.
I did a little more cleanup and beautifying on the bitmap, as well as a little pallette tweaking in the Spectrum driver, and got this as a result.
I'd post source, but there's really nothing to see.
Simon was one of my favourite toys as a Kid, I am looking forward to seeing this working...
I used to have a Simon game too, I'm sure my daughters will love playing it also [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Graphics and backend combined. Use the arrow keys to play.
Coming up next on the next WIP:
-Darken the middle circle to distinguish it from the rest
-NES Gamepad control
-New game without reset
Post Edited (Spork Frog) : 11/16/2007 12:30:11 AM GMT
Many new features added.
Current known issues: High score lost after reset. I'm not going to fix this
My god, the graphics for this thing are about 10 times bigger than my actual code.
Post Edited (Spork Frog) : 11/16/2007 12:29:47 AM GMT
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
That's really nice. It's come together really well. Like the graphics. And I like the way the computer speeds up as the sequences get longer.
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Prop Room Robotics - my web store for Roomba spare parts in the UK
How's this look?
EDIT: Might as well make this a release now.
Post Edited (Spork Frog) : 11/16/2007 11:31:46 PM GMT
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Prop Room Robotics - my web store for Roomba spare parts in the UK
Does this black work for everyone else's TVs too? If so I might start using it for Defender.
Help to build the Propeller wiki -
Prop Room Robotics - my web store for Roomba spare parts in the UK
I ran this on a two-year old 26" TV and had the top right corner tear.
Looked a lot like the original manic miner did before it was patched for this.
(For that matter the same fix might repair this if you are using the same video code.)
Buttons . . . check. Dials . . . check. Switches . . . check. Little colored lights . . . check.
— Calvin, of 'Calvin and Hobbes.
Buttons . . . check. Dials . . . check. Switches . . . check. Little colored lights . . . check.
— Calvin, of 'Calvin and Hobbes.
The TV I used is located at the church we hold our local microcontroller users group meetings at..
I have a key, so since there is no normal gatherings till Sunday (due to turkey day) I'll drop in
and hook the prop up and see what happens.. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Buttons . . . check. Dials . . . check. Switches . . . check. Little colored lights . . . check.
— Calvin, of 'Calvin and Hobbes.
Post Edited (jbumatai) : 12/7/2007 3:42:30 AM GMT
Since I am not at my workstation, I cannot go to the cd file right now. But I would like to learn how to complete the bitmap conversion. How did you do it?