some kind of counter
im trying to make a light display to loop through 2 different events, the theme is footballs teams and the light display will have michiganstate helmet and u of m helmet butting together
i want ms to win then then program loops only the second time u of m wins
i was thinking having the have some kind of internal counter that resets itself where on 0 ms wins and on 1 u of m wins and after one the counter resets itself to 0 i just dont know how to write that in anywhere
i can visualize something like
helmets rise:
"statements telling the helmets to run into eachother"
if count equals 0 then ms victory
if count equals 1 then u of m victory
i just cant figure out how to initialize the counter or where to have it at in the code
plz help
i want ms to win then then program loops only the second time u of m wins
i was thinking having the have some kind of internal counter that resets itself where on 0 ms wins and on 1 u of m wins and after one the counter resets itself to 0 i just dont know how to write that in anywhere
i can visualize something like
helmets rise:
"statements telling the helmets to run into eachother"
if count equals 0 then ms victory
if count equals 1 then u of m victory
i just cant figure out how to initialize the counter or where to have it at in the code
plz help
idx VAR Bit
/ Animation code here
PAUSE 1000
BRANCH idx,[noparse][[/noparse]MS_wins,UM_wins]
DEBUG "MS_wins",CR
GOTO main
DEBUG "UM_wins",CR
GOTO main
Jeff T.