XBee vs Bluetooth: Which is better for data link between my robot and PC?
I'm looking to establish a wireless serial data link between my robot and my PC.· I've used the cheap RF transmitters and receivers (like· http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=872), and I must say, they are pretty good, but don't provide error checking, so they are not completely reliable.· I'm thinking about using bluetooth or XBee, but I'm not quite sure I understand the differences and advantages of each.· Which is a better choice for someone who wants to create a wireless serial data link between their PC and their robot?
Bluetooth is built into a lot of PCs these days. Its range is somewhat limited (maybe 100 feet) and its power consumption often is higher than other systems.
xBee requires an external transceiver on both ends. There are higher powered devices with a range of about a mile although the lower powered devices have similar ranges to Bluetooth's. xBee is a bit easier to use than Bluetooth if you want something fancier than just a wireless serial link since Bluetooth has to handle so many different protocols and xBee does not.
I used Bluetooth Eb500 with a GUI robot project
check also http://www.radiotronix.com/
I used the WI.232DTS-R module with great results, and they are fairly cheap compared to other solutions.
I hope this helps!
Post Edited (Joe "Bot" Red) : 10/24/2007 4:48:53 AM GMT
If you need more info for xbee, goto the irobot create forum, and look for the topics concerning xbee. There is a member by the name of Joe, which uses xbee exclusively, and he really loves the units. Now, the thing to consider with xbee, they have no commercially made dongles, so you will have to come up with a transceiver module for your computer. And you will have to write your own software driver for that unit. I purchased some of the usb tranceiver carrier boards from selmaware, they had drivers for the unit, so I will only have to write the computer app.
From a programming standpoint bluetooth is a positive because of the software that comes with the available dongles, so there would be less work in that area. This is a very slow and tedius process, I do not know when I will be able to get to the xbee units.