optascope 81 window 98 problem
Hi I just bought the optiscope and can not find the version of the software that runs on· win 98 ver 4 and 5 don't do it,
I hope it is right under my nose and im just dumb.
I hope it is right under my nose and im just dumb.
Windows 98 has not been supported in some time. There is no way to verify operation of any software on that version of Windows. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Our apologies!!! I can see from our website that we did not properly update every product description page; we will do so ASAP.
-Stephanie Lindsay,
Editor, Parallax Inc.
Just to follow-up the web page has been updated. As Stephanie pointed out there are several pages the scope software is listed on (five that I know of) and in this case it appears that one was missed when updating the information. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support