Accelerometer To Servo Connection
im actually trying to build a stationary air craft wing, comprised of a left and right wing attached together w/ a wing box in between. The wing box will be sitting on a vertical stand or pipe linked to the wing box w/ a pivot. The pivot allows the wing to only bank left and right, while keeping to stand vertical and stationary to the ground. It will be placed in a wind tunnel for testing. Inside the wing will contain a accelerometer as well as a servo. The goal of this project is to replicate the actions of autostabilize performed by an autopilot. As the accelerometer senses tilt, due to the airflow in the wind tunnel, the accelerometer will sense the attitude of tilt and actuate the servo to control the wing panels to maintain a 0 degree bank. I wanted to basically know, how to connect the accelerometer to the servo, or is it an analogue or digital signal which is outputted from the accel. Sensor? Would i need a adc? I would really appreciate any advice. Thanks again.
- Stephen