Newbie Question -- BS2 vs Propeller
I'm sorry for the idiot question.· I'm a programmer not a roboticist, and I know absolutely nothing about robots or electronics, but I do plan on designing a robot, and then building multiples of that robot to distribute to a programming team (e.g. I have·very real·concerns regarding cost).
So here's my Q:· What's the diff between the $49 BS2 and the $12 Propeller?
I'm sorry for the idiot question.· I'm a programmer not a roboticist, and I know absolutely nothing about robots or electronics, but I do plan on designing a robot, and then building multiples of that robot to distribute to a programming team (e.g. I have·very real·concerns regarding cost).
So here's my Q:· What's the diff between the $49 BS2 and the $12 Propeller?
The BS2 is a long established microcontroller with hundreds and hundreds of pages of tutorials, manuals, magazine articles, educational kits, etc. It's programmed in Basic, has a lot of built-in statements for common I/O devices used in control applications. For $49, you get a complete module with a voltage regulator, EEPROM to store your program, resonator for the processor's clock, and a programming interface. You do need some interface components externally for the programming interface depending on whether you plan to use it with an RS232 serial port or a USB serial interface. The Parallax Basic manual shows some suggested schematics.
The Propeller is new. $12 isn't really comparable ... that's just the chip. A more reasonable comparison is the Protoboard for $25 which includes the voltage regulator, EEPROM for program/data storage, and the crystal for the system clock. You do need an external serial adapter for programming which can be shared (the PropPlug for $30). Other USB to 3.3V logic serial adapters can be used, but Parallax's devices are specifically designed for this use. You can also use an RS232 to 3.3V logic serial adapter.
The Propeller is a completely different kind of processor, there's much less educational material currently available. The programming language (Spin) is similar in some ways to C, but has some unique features and is much more sophisticated than Basic. The Propeller has much more memory than the Stamps, is much faster, and consists of 8 independent processors that share 32K of memory, each have their own 2K of local program/data storage and special purpose registers, and share all the I/O pins. Spin doesn't have the built-in I/O of Parallax Basic, but there's a library of I/O drivers (written in Spin and assembly language) and sample programs that can be incorporated into your own program that handle the same functions that the Stamp does ... and much more.
Typically, several Propeller processors are allocated to I/O functions and one or more processors handle the main processing tasks. One processor can generate video text, another can handle a high speed serial channel, another can control up to 32 servo motors, another might take turns doing ultrasonic distance ranging or IR distance detection or checking a compass or accelerometer, doing some basic initial processing on the data and leaving it for the main processor to do higher level analysis.
The $12 propeller is just the microcontroller. To fully use it you'd have to add an EEPROM, voltage regulator, crystal oscillator, etc. The BS2 has all these components integrated into a single 24-pin dip package for ease-of-use. A more fair comparison would be the cost of a BS2 to a breadboard-ready Propeller package like the Propstick or Spin Stamp.
Note also that they are different microcontrollers, with different capabilities and programming environments. You might want to download some of the (free!) Parallax product manuals and read up on the capabilities of each one.
For your robot project have you taken a look at the BOE-Bot?
Is this the same project that you 2 are working on? Probably would make more headway if you pursue 1 thread or the other.
Brian - home of SpinStudio