Serial LCD 4 x 20
I have one of the Parallax serial 4 x 20 LCD's and am having some trouble.
My stamp is a 2P40
If I put it in test mode it works so I assume the display is ok.
So I tried a basic example from one of the documents:
' {$STAMP BS2P} 'I added the P as all examples were for a BS2
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
TxPin CON 13
Baud19200 CON 32 'also tried 84 instead of 32
HIGH TxPin ' Set pin high to be a serial port
PAUSE 150 ' Pause for Serial LCD to initialize
SEROUT TxPin, Baud19200, [noparse][[/noparse]"Hello, this text will wrap."]
I get not a sausage.
Well I get some jibberish on the screen when I download and run. This makes me think I am connected to the right pin (got a little confused between Outputs 0-16/labelling etc) It is connected to pin 18 of the 2P40 which I guess if the first bank of pins is called 0 to 15 means I am on 13.
The LCD is set for 19,200.
I do have to admit how I powered it.
The stamp is powered on pin VDD by a 7805 reg with a couple of small filter caps. I have infact powered the display from that connection point and ground.
Is this a major?
Regulator is powering nothing else.
Now having read a bit more I see this is not recommended however as the regulator has 1amp rating I hope all is well.
Can someone see what has gone wrong here?
I have one of the Parallax serial 4 x 20 LCD's and am having some trouble.
My stamp is a 2P40
If I put it in test mode it works so I assume the display is ok.
So I tried a basic example from one of the documents:
' {$STAMP BS2P} 'I added the P as all examples were for a BS2
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
TxPin CON 13
Baud19200 CON 32 'also tried 84 instead of 32
HIGH TxPin ' Set pin high to be a serial port
PAUSE 150 ' Pause for Serial LCD to initialize
SEROUT TxPin, Baud19200, [noparse][[/noparse]"Hello, this text will wrap."]
I get not a sausage.
Well I get some jibberish on the screen when I download and run. This makes me think I am connected to the right pin (got a little confused between Outputs 0-16/labelling etc) It is connected to pin 18 of the 2P40 which I guess if the first bank of pins is called 0 to 15 means I am on 13.
The LCD is set for 19,200.
I do have to admit how I powered it.
The stamp is powered on pin VDD by a 7805 reg with a couple of small filter caps. I have infact powered the display from that connection point and ground.
Is this a major?
Regulator is powering nothing else.
Now having read a bit more I see this is not recommended however as the regulator has 1amp rating I hope all is well.
Can someone see what has gone wrong here?
Parallax/Jon Williams published the following which I use in each project so I don't have to remember or look up the rate for the processor I use. You just use BAUD in your SEROUT which is set to the correct value.
Post Edited (Paul Sr.) : 10/12/2007 12:25:34 PM GMT