IR LED & Receiver set up
Setting up my Boe-Bot with 2 IR LEDs and Receivers. I'm using a Propeller Proto Board and soldering them in place along the front (of the bot) side of the board. My question is this....
Is there an optimum position for each component? I realize the LEDs (with shields attached) must go in front of the Receivers, and I've noticed the most people mount the components with a slight angle out from centerline. But any experience with what works best?
Brian - home of SpinStudio
Is there an optimum position for each component? I realize the LEDs (with shields attached) must go in front of the Receivers, and I've noticed the most people mount the components with a slight angle out from centerline. But any experience with what works best?
Brian - home of SpinStudio
I'm using the PING and it's servo driven bracket and I've mounted the IR detector just above one end of the PING. I added a small shield so the detector has a narrower field of view and basically use both the PING and IR at about the same time as I pan the bracket. The IR LEDS cover a broad enough field of view so I didn't bother mounting them on the bracket. The code that I use for the PING and the IR is in BoeBotBasic if you need to have a look at it.
Brian - home of SpinStudio