Would this system work?
Would a system like the following work?:
Important note: The robot will be sending sensor data to the computer continously, the computer will remember the sensor data throughout the entire command.
The Boe-bot (somehow, I have not decided yet) receives a command to go to the kitchen. The bot then sends a request to the computer for the best route to the kitchen based on the robots sensor input probably using GA(genetic Algorithms). (I think that is possible) The robot then follows that path until the sensors detect an obstacle in the way. The bot sends a request back to the computer for a new instruction set. Computer sends new instructions. This continues until the robot has reached the kitchen.
Is this completely impossible?
P.S. I'm taking this project in steps. GA is first on my list. Although many people have been saying it would be very difficult.
Post Edited (curious_roboticist) : 10/14/2007 8:33:58 PM GMT
Important note: The robot will be sending sensor data to the computer continously, the computer will remember the sensor data throughout the entire command.
The Boe-bot (somehow, I have not decided yet) receives a command to go to the kitchen. The bot then sends a request to the computer for the best route to the kitchen based on the robots sensor input probably using GA(genetic Algorithms). (I think that is possible) The robot then follows that path until the sensors detect an obstacle in the way. The bot sends a request back to the computer for a new instruction set. Computer sends new instructions. This continues until the robot has reached the kitchen.

Is this completely impossible?

P.S. I'm taking this project in steps. GA is first on my list. Although many people have been saying it would be very difficult.

Post Edited (curious_roboticist) : 10/14/2007 8:33:58 PM GMT
A complex design is the sign of an inferior designer. - Jamie Hyneman, Myth Buster
Let's break this down some.
Link to a computer, that's no problem, there are a number of products able to send data wirelessly from a Boe-bot back to a computer.
Computer sending instructions to the Boe-bot to control it's motions. Again, this should be obtainable.
Computer processing the data to create the instuctions, possible, what kind of experience do you have in programming? what language do you plan to use, etc?
Also what is the number of / type of sensors you plan to use? Does the Stamp you plan to use have enough IO pins available to interface the various sensors you plan to use? The processing power to read all sensors, transmit and receive the data, and move the servos?
I would almost think the Propeller would be the better choice, it's multi-cog architecture lends it self well to this type of application.
uController.com - home of SpinStudio
I think it is possible to do what you want with a Stamp. I don't think it's doable with a plain BS2. You'll need the speed and extra storage of a BS2p-series device. You may need an external serial buffer like the one from Protean Logic depending on how tolerant the PC end is of dropped messages from the PC to the Stamp.
That said, I still recommend using a Propeller. You have a demanding project in mind and the extra processing power and multiple processors will actually simplify your design and programming.
Maybe we are doing the same thing. Email me offline if you want... we could collaborate. Where are you anyway? I'm in Austin TX.
Mike- I do not understand the purpose of the prop in this application, pretty much all the BS2 will do is transmit and receive information from the computer.
Parts Man- Sorry about the multiple PMs. I plan on using the compass, ping, and either the color sensor or CMU cam. I should have enough pins for sure.
Post Edited (curious_roboticist) : 10/13/2007 7:54:19 PM GMT
Obviously, you could use an ultrasound distance sensor like the PING or an IR distance sensor. Each has limitations in terms of the kinds of surfaces they work well with and the distances they handle. You can use a passive infrared sensor like those used in burglar alarms to detect people.
The CMU-cam allows for detection at a distance, but the analysis of images is complex and the bandwidth to transfer the information is relatively high even with the limited information from the CMU-cam.
Post Edited (curious_roboticist) : 10/13/2007 9:06:19 PM GMT
Post Edited (curious_roboticist) : 10/14/2007 7:08:28 PM GMT
Post Edited (curious_roboticist) : 10/14/2007 7:57:20 PM GMT
As far as on board computer.... I wouldn't even consider it on a Boe bot, I have a Micro ATX computer on board (not a boe bot), about 4"x6" and the battery requirements alone would pop the tires off a boe bot.
I'm not trying to discourage you, quite the opposite I would rather you learn from my mistakes and allow you to get to the finish line without, making the same mistakes I did. when you get working on this project I'd be more than happy to tell you exactly what I did in each step. and you can do with it what you will.
Aim for the stars!
A complex design is the sign of an inferior designer. - Jamie Hyneman, Myth Buster