HB-25 Motor Controller Questions

I was looking for some insight on the HB-25 motor controllers I am trying to use in a project. I am having trouble getting the motor controller to respond properly to the instructions issued from the Basic Stamp. My setup is as follow:
A BS2p24
A Super Carrier board
A Parallax HB-25
A 12v Gearhead motor (not under load, just sitting on the desk)
I am using a 12v 1a "wall wart" to supply power to the HB25
I have a 12 volt gear head motor connected to the HB25
I have a 3 wire "WRB" jumper wire from the Super Carrier board to the HB-25
I have a second 7.5vdc "wall wart" adapter to power the super carrier board/BS2.
When I run the test code that comes with the HB25, The motor will move forward, then stop. It will not enter reverse. It will reliably go "forward" each time I download the code or press "reset" on the super carrier board.
Things I've tried:
-Replace the HB25 (I have two HB-25's) problem persists.
-Replaced the BS2P24 with a "plain" BS2, problem persists.
-Manually connect the gear motor to the 12v wall wart and motor runs fwd and reverse if I switch the wires (i.e. its not that the motor is restricted from turning in reverse)
Other things noticed:
The HB25 fan speed seems to change RPM on occasion (based on the pitch of the sound created by the fan). I haven't been able to associate the speed change with any actions from software.
Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this issue?
A BS2p24
A Super Carrier board
A Parallax HB-25
A 12v Gearhead motor (not under load, just sitting on the desk)
I am using a 12v 1a "wall wart" to supply power to the HB25
I have a 12 volt gear head motor connected to the HB25
I have a 3 wire "WRB" jumper wire from the Super Carrier board to the HB-25
I have a second 7.5vdc "wall wart" adapter to power the super carrier board/BS2.
When I run the test code that comes with the HB25, The motor will move forward, then stop. It will not enter reverse. It will reliably go "forward" each time I download the code or press "reset" on the super carrier board.
Things I've tried:
-Replace the HB25 (I have two HB-25's) problem persists.
-Replaced the BS2P24 with a "plain" BS2, problem persists.
-Manually connect the gear motor to the 12v wall wart and motor runs fwd and reverse if I switch the wires (i.e. its not that the motor is restricted from turning in reverse)
Other things noticed:
The HB25 fan speed seems to change RPM on occasion (based on the pitch of the sound created by the fan). I haven't been able to associate the speed change with any actions from software.
Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this issue?
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Thanks for the response. [noparse]:)[/noparse] It could be, but I started with the "gold standard" by using the example source code provided by Parallax here:
It's supposed to ramp the motor up to full forward, then ramp it back down to a stop. I adapted the source code, taking out the ramping loops and just sent the full commands like this:
I get the "forward" motion, but no reverse..?
Just tested it again, and Unfortunately, though it starts and stops, it just won't go in reverse! Dang it this is frustrating.
Your motors are reversible? (Not all are)
You have it wired across the HB25, and not to ground?
I have not used one of these, but that is all I can think of...
I have reviewed the BS2 code in the HB-25-Sample Code link that you gave and it clearly states the following:
······· STOP = 750
······· FULL FORWARD = 1000
······· FULL REVERSE = 500
You must have misread the code when you created your STOP, FORWARD, REVERSE code.
One thing I did notice is that your code does not allow for initialization of the HB-25 as is shown in the HB-25-Sample Code link before you begin sending pulses to the HB-25.
Are you showing all of your code or did you just leave out the initialization portion for the HB-25?
Just a thought.
If you are going to send·a Robot·to save the world, you·better make sure it likes it the way it is!
Check the 12v wall wart to be sure it isn't providing more than 12VDC. Some do and some don't. You cannot really rely on the lable.
"Everything in the world is purchased by labour; and our passions are the only causes of labor." -- David·Hume (1711-76)········
I just finished a project where I had to go through 5 wall warts from scrapped consumer devices before I found one that was putting out even remotely what the label said.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I can't get no motion to the motors I have tested: wiper motor and a 80 mm computer fan. I'm using Anderson's Homebrew Basic Stamp 2 on a Protoboard. Other applications I have tested with this board work well. I have not destroyed the HB-25 with reverse power, the fan is running and the led is glowing green.
Any hints for this "no action" problem?
An 80mm PC fan won’t work because these are not the right type of motor for the HB-25, which was designed to drive brushed DC motors. The fan is a brushless DC motor with its own internal controller. As for the wiper motor, can you please list a connection diagram as to how you have the HB-25 connected to the motor?
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering