Serial comms at 115,200 baud?
I need to chose a microcontroller for an application where I will need to receive RS-232 data at 115,200 baud. The info that I can find on the Parallax site talks about max speed for comms to a PC, but I've seen some references that suggest that faster speeds are possible.
Can any of the BASIC Stamps receive RS-232 data at 115,200 baud?
If none of these products can do this could you recommend another microcontroller I should consider? I also need to monitor 5 discrete inputs (e.g. momentary switches to control modes) and drive 6 LEDs. I will be using a Mac running OS X to write the software, and load it to the microcontroller.
Kevin Horton
Ottawa, Canada
Can any of the BASIC Stamps receive RS-232 data at 115,200 baud?
If none of these products can do this could you recommend another microcontroller I should consider? I also need to monitor 5 discrete inputs (e.g. momentary switches to control modes) and drive 6 LEDs. I will be using a Mac running OS X to write the software, and load it to the microcontroller.
Kevin Horton
Ottawa, Canada
Alternatively, you can use an SX28 protoboard and SX/B to program. That would be less expensive and you could have genuine RS-232 level drivers or RS-422/485 drivers on installed on the protoboard. It will easily run at 50Mhz, but can go to 80-100Mhz
And, if you really want more speed, the Propeller at·80Mhz·can go beyond 115k, provide video and keyboard interface, and generally knock your socks off at 160MPS.
"Everything in the world is purchased by labour; and our passions are the only causes of labor." -- David·Hume (1711-76)········
Post Edited (Kramer) : 10/7/2007 6:16:07 AM GMT
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I'll look into the SX28 too.
Kevin Horton
Ottawa, Canada
So there is really a lot to explore.
"Everything in the world is purchased by labour; and our passions are the only causes of labor." -- David·Hume (1711-76)········
I am also considering the Arduino family of designs, which seem to do what I need, and they have an open source OS X development environment.
Kevin Horton
Ottawa, Canada
Parallax is a fantastic company with some great products, but they've been very clear that multi-platform support is not in the plans in the foreseeable future.
I was lucky enough to have an old Win2k laptop that I was able to take out of mothballs to use with the SX and Propeller. I made one project with the SX28, but anything I do in the future will probably be with the Prop. It's a brilliant design that's worth suffering through Windows for.
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