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Serial Inkjet Printer - Need Help... Something's wrong — Parallax Forums

Serial Inkjet Printer - Need Help... Something's wrong

manny175manny175 Posts: 3
edited 2007-10-08 23:42 in General Discussion
Here's what's happening:

I already have a boebot... I bought a serial inkjet development kit....· connected the serial inkjet printer circuit board with 3pin wires to the boebot pin#15 (white·on the outside) (on serial inkjet circuit: black wire connected to G)...·connected the print cartridge and carriage assembly to inkjet circuit board (i tried it bought·sides of the ribbon... loaded to my boebot the·Simple_Print.bs2 which i downloaded from·parallax website (at this time boebot is on)... then turned on the inkjet circuit board which shows a redlight... what do i expect next?... cause the printer as·i wave the cartridge over paper wont print... i have a multimeter by the way... and the battery's have·at least 1.5v x 4 = 6v... jumper in my boebot is at Vin... I have called parallax regarding this and they let me send the items for exchage which i appreciate.... however to my frustration, when i got the new one and tried the procedure again, nothing happened... where·did i go wrong? certainly not the materials (circuit boards, printer cartridge and carriage)? what do you think? I'm new to the inkjet printer kit... but my boebot works.·


  • dandreaedandreae Posts: 1,375
    edited 2007-10-05 16:36
    You need to set the jumper to Vdd and not Vin, the Ink Jet printer module is a 5v device.· Have you tested your I/O pins to verify that they are working properly?· You could try another I/O pin and change the code to match.


    Dave Andreae

    Parallax Tech Support

    Post Edited (Dave Andreae (Parallax)) : 10/5/2007 5:01:11 PM GMT
  • manny175manny175 Posts: 3
    edited 2007-10-05 20:50
    Thanks Dave for the response... but unfortunately its not working... I did set it to Vdd... and it still did not work... i tried using the I/O pin #14 in my boebot because i know I/O pin #14 should work since i used it already... i copied the Simple_Print.bs2 and named it Simple_Print_pin14.bs2 and changed the lines 'Inkjet CON 15' to 'Inkjet CON 14' and 'SEROUT Inkjet, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]Esc, "C", 15]' to 'SEROUT Inkjet, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]Esc, "C", 14]'. Any more ideas? By the way, when i run the Simple_Print program (loading it to boebot) and turning on the Serial Inkjet Circuit board, do i expect the printer cartridge to print automatically?... or is there an hp promt or a dialogue box that i should see in my computer screen?
  • manny175manny175 Posts: 3
    edited 2007-10-08 23:42
    I am in Glendale, California (near los angeles, california): do you know anybody I could go to personally for help? I am really interested in this technology... if only i could just make Simple_Print.bs2 work.
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