Serial Inkjet Printer - Need Help... Something's wrong
Here's what's happening:
I already have a boebot... I bought a serial inkjet development kit....· connected the serial inkjet printer circuit board with 3pin wires to the boebot pin#15 (white·on the outside) (on serial inkjet circuit: black wire connected to G)...·connected the print cartridge and carriage assembly to inkjet circuit board (i tried it bought·sides of the ribbon... loaded to my boebot the·Simple_Print.bs2 which i downloaded from·parallax website (at this time boebot is on)... then turned on the inkjet circuit board which shows a redlight... what do i expect next?... cause the printer as·i wave the cartridge over paper wont print... i have a multimeter by the way... and the battery's have·at least 1.5v x 4 = 6v... jumper in my boebot is at Vin... I have called parallax regarding this and they let me send the items for exchage which i appreciate.... however to my frustration, when i got the new one and tried the procedure again, nothing happened... where·did i go wrong? certainly not the materials (circuit boards, printer cartridge and carriage)? what do you think? I'm new to the inkjet printer kit... but my boebot works.·
I already have a boebot... I bought a serial inkjet development kit....· connected the serial inkjet printer circuit board with 3pin wires to the boebot pin#15 (white·on the outside) (on serial inkjet circuit: black wire connected to G)...·connected the print cartridge and carriage assembly to inkjet circuit board (i tried it bought·sides of the ribbon... loaded to my boebot the·Simple_Print.bs2 which i downloaded from·parallax website (at this time boebot is on)... then turned on the inkjet circuit board which shows a redlight... what do i expect next?... cause the printer as·i wave the cartridge over paper wont print... i have a multimeter by the way... and the battery's have·at least 1.5v x 4 = 6v... jumper in my boebot is at Vin... I have called parallax regarding this and they let me send the items for exchage which i appreciate.... however to my frustration, when i got the new one and tried the procedure again, nothing happened... where·did i go wrong? certainly not the materials (circuit boards, printer cartridge and carriage)? what do you think? I'm new to the inkjet printer kit... but my boebot works.·
Dave Andreae
Parallax Tech Support
Post Edited (Dave Andreae (Parallax)) : 10/5/2007 5:01:11 PM GMT