Parallax GPS module
If I put the Parallax GPS module inside a box, and ship the box from say·LA to NY, can I follow its movement in real time?
If above is not possible, then what is an option?· Store the position every·few minutes·in a BS2pe, then analyze its movement once the·package (and BS2pe) is received·in NY?· ·
If above is not possible, then what is an option?· Store the position every·few minutes·in a BS2pe, then analyze its movement once the·package (and BS2pe) is received·in NY?· ·
2) It's a GPS receiver, not a transmitter, so you would have to·store updates in transit and then analyze later.
3) You COULD add a transmitter to your solution for real time updates, but how you do it is up to you and unless you use something off-the-shelf you run into issues with the FCC.
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