RoboRealm and Basic Stamp
Following the information presented earlier in this forum from TOm and STeve at Roborealm I've tried the object following programs. I've been successful on the Roborealm software and using a green ball am able to see the variables change as the ball is moved relative to the camera. The problem is on the Stamp side. I running this through a laptop that has only USB connections. I've connected the BS2p24 using the USB adapter on carrier board.·Below is the Stamp code derived from what I read on the forum;
·············· x VAR Word
···············y VAR Word
·············· main:
·············· SERIN 1,17405,[noparse][[/noparse]WAIT ("!"),DEC4 x,DEC4 y]
·············· PULSOUT 7,x
·············· DEBUG DEC4 x
···············PULSOUT 8,y
···············PAUSE 5
·············· GOTO main
When I initialize Roborealm and set the SSC module to communicate through COM 4, then try to run the Stamp program, I get a message staying Stamp not found on COM 4. I go back and change the SSC module to communicate through COM 3 and run Stamp, I don't get any errors but I also don't get any PULSOUT from the Stamp. I've added DEBUG statement to see what if anything was coming through. Presently the SSC module is set up as follows; Port-COM3, Baud-2400, Parity-NONE, Stop Bits-1, Data Bits-8.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your help
·············· x VAR Word
···············y VAR Word
·············· main:
·············· SERIN 1,17405,[noparse][[/noparse]WAIT ("!"),DEC4 x,DEC4 y]
·············· PULSOUT 7,x
·············· DEBUG DEC4 x
···············PULSOUT 8,y
···············PAUSE 5
·············· GOTO main
When I initialize Roborealm and set the SSC module to communicate through COM 4, then try to run the Stamp program, I get a message staying Stamp not found on COM 4. I go back and change the SSC module to communicate through COM 3 and run Stamp, I don't get any errors but I also don't get any PULSOUT from the Stamp. I've added DEBUG statement to see what if anything was coming through. Presently the SSC module is set up as follows; Port-COM3, Baud-2400, Parity-NONE, Stop Bits-1, Data Bits-8.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your help
The paramaters for the serial commands were then taken from a VB script. I believe Tom posted a full listing of all the code.
In the Stamp code the programming port was used for serial input to the Stamp, if that is so in your case the serial line should read··
SERIN 16,17405,[noparse][[/noparse]WAIT ("!"),DEC4 x,DEC4 y]
Jeff T.