RCA video + VGA monitor output?
What are the advantages of VGA over RCA and vise versa.· I am looking into the prop and I see these two ways of outputting video.· I see that VGA uses more IOs.· Thanks.
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Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle
By RCA I assume you mean NTSC/PAL otherwise known as CVBS or Composite Video.
Composite video has definite disadvantages in both color and resolution. Since the color information is multiplexed with the luminance information, the two interact with one another and cause some distortion in the final image (read about CVBS and VGA on www.wikipedia,com). Also, since color information is phase modulated on a 3.58MHz carrier, there are limits to the horizontal resolution you can obtain with CVBS. VGA sends Red, Green, and Blue on separate channels and are directly amplitude modulated, so color gamut, accuracy, and resolution are much better. Also, higher pixel resolutions can be defined with VGA, although standards "VGA" is defined as 640x480 pixels.
The more I know, the more I know I don't know.· Is this what they call Wisdom?
I would probably just want to display some text for debugging purposes, would this be a problem?
Which one is more code intensive?
My LCD monitor has PIP with composite video input. I find that extremely handy for development.
If you are just trying to debug, you might want to look into PropTerminal as well. I think it's in the Object Exchange.
The more I know, the more I know I don't know.· Is this what they call Wisdom?
Post Edited (Ken Peterson) : 9/29/2007 1:54:50 PM GMT