Simple, reliable communication method across 300 feet of Cat5?
I am planning to replace a nursery paging system at a church with one that works functionally the same, but has additional communication features. The current one uses a 3 conductor cable (microphone cable to be exact). This carries 12 volts, ground, and a signal line. The current install requires a 260 foot long cable. The circuitry in the unit is potted so I can't determine the communication topology used. I am planning on using a simple Basic Stamp circuit with an LCD as a host unit that will communicate to a "receiver board". This receiver board will drive a 3 digit 12" tall LED display. The current unit I have looks similar to one from rptelectronics called the silent usher.
My question is this: What's the most reliable way to communicate from a basic stamp across a 300 foot long cable so that I don't have to worry about data corruption caused by signal timing issues? I plan on using Cat 5 cable, so I have 8 lines to work with as opposed to just 3.
~~ dRu ~~
My question is this: What's the most reliable way to communicate from a basic stamp across a 300 foot long cable so that I don't have to worry about data corruption caused by signal timing issues? I plan on using Cat 5 cable, so I have 8 lines to work with as opposed to just 3.
~~ dRu ~~
~~ dRu ~~