IrDA for the Basic Stamp
Has anyone developed an IrDA remote control code for the Basic
Stamp, so it can communicate with the PCs built in function?
Stamp, so it can communicate with the PCs built in function?
I was wondering, since some things have
changed, like the speed of the Basic Stamp,
do you think the new powerful 2px can
now handle the timing?
If possible, I'd like to use just the 2px
without any add on chips.
Also, you keep saying "communicate with the PC's built in function" -- function for what? I've never seen a PC's IrDA port used for anything.
The pulses can be as short as 1.7us and the normal data rate is 115KBaud (although you can use lower rates).
The BS2px can't handle those without external circuitry. The MAX3100 may need a pulse stretcher in the
input circuitry as Tracy mentions in the explanation.