SX-Key ok, Without Not
Short of having to tear the board apart, does anyone have any words of wisdom?
SX chip blinks LED's ok when SX-Key is attached, but LED's don't blink when I disconnect the Key.
a) possible bad Resonator?
other ideas?
John J. Couture
San Diego Miramar College
SX chip blinks LED's ok when SX-Key is attached, but LED's don't blink when I disconnect the Key.
a) possible bad Resonator?
other ideas?
John J. Couture
San Diego Miramar College
I put a 1meg resistor across the osc1 and osc2 pins and it started working. In Gunther Daubach book it shows a resistor (R2) on page 6 and the caption says "Depends on the resonator, or crystal type"
I'm using a two pin resonator (it does not have a middle ground pin).
Can anyone shed any light on WHY it works?
John J. Couture
San Diego Miramar College
The three pin resonators have these caps built-in.
What frequency resonator are you using ? and what OSC settings are you using on the DEVICE line ?
I know what I know, don't confuse me with the facts...
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Didn't work so I must be doing something stupid.· The resistor worked some of the time and when I put my hand next to the osc1/2 connector it seemed to blink again.· So it must have something to do with capacitance.
As per your suggestion I connected a 223 cap (.022 uf?) from osc1 to ground and another one from osc2 to ground but that didn't work.
It's just a simple program with
FREQ··········· 4_000_000
ID············· "E622-01"
I seem to remember you saying once that breadboards have a lot of capacitance.·
This project is built on a perfboard and I built a second one to see if I was messing up something.· I guess it's time to start on the third one and see if I should change the design.
John J. Couture
San Diego Miramar College
I am using the 3-lead resonators on a SX28 Proto board.· Never did figure it out.· I'll try the resistor trick.