Basic Stamp using DC Motors
I am currently starting a project where I want to control two independant DC motors (Tamiya Double Gearbox, Left/Right·4 Speed Independant)·with my Basic Stamp Homework Board.· The Homework board uses a 9V battery which is plenty for these simple DC motors but I wanted to hook up the motors to the I/O ports but when I did this the voltage from the I/O ports went from around 5V to 0.· I have read in the Whats A Microcontroler book that the I/O ports have current limits so I was thinking about using a transistor but I couldnt get this to work out.· Does anyone have a schematic or suggestion on how to hook up this DC motor set to the basic stamp?· Thanks for any help.
A 9V battery really is not adequate for running a motor. It may seem to work for a little while, but it'll run down quickly as you've seen. The I/O ports are not capable of driving a motor. They're designed for a maximum of about 20-30ma which is suitable for driving an LED. As you'll see in the tutorial, the motor can run off a different supply than the Stamp itself. I would suggest a 4-cell battery pack with 4 AA batteries. You can even use NiMH rechargables to save money. You can't run the Stamp off 4 NiMH batteries (they only put out 4.8V max.) You'll need to use 5 NiMH cells if you want to run the Stamp off the same supply as the motors (to get 6V).
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 9/22/2007 8:45:25 PM GMT
Jeff T
There is an H-Bridge chip designed to operate 2 motors called the L293.· Documented many places... try the link below
There's nothing like a new idea and a warm soldering iron.
I dont think I am connection this Hbridge up to the Basic Stamp Homework Board correctly·nor do I think I am incorporating the correct way to hook up the serparate battery pack with the stamp and bridge.
I am only trying to get one direction to work right now so all I did was hook up to one I/O port on the Basic stamp.· All I did in the program was do a High 8 (open P8 I/O port) for 3 seconds and then I did a Low 8 (close P8 I/O port).