I'm lost with CR123 battery
Hello all [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I'm french and i have just buy Pinguin robot [noparse]:)[/noparse])
Just After my purchase i search how to charge battery in the pinguin....arrggghhhhh....i can't..they're not recheargeable lol
Then i find where to buy same kind of battery but rechargeable....wooo lot of choice...and lot of them are in 3,6v and OEM battery run at 3V...
My question :can i use 3.6V battery in pinguin robot??Have you some URL for me to guide my choice??
Thank you so much
(PS: sorry for my ugly english
I'm french and i have just buy Pinguin robot [noparse]:)[/noparse])
Just After my purchase i search how to charge battery in the pinguin....arrggghhhhh....i can't..they're not recheargeable lol

Then i find where to buy same kind of battery but rechargeable....wooo lot of choice...and lot of them are in 3,6v and OEM battery run at 3V...
My question :can i use 3.6V battery in pinguin robot??Have you some URL for me to guide my choice??
Thank you so much

(PS: sorry for my ugly english

I find this very interested item : http://www.all-battery.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=521
Just 900Mah ...but in rechargeable format i think it's the max....
Do you know reachargeable cr123 with more power than 900Mha ?
Have a good day
So it might help to drop buy a friendly camera store and ask them about what is available.
At the very least, they are most likely to have a few immediately available.
RCA makes a 'rechargible' CR123A. So there is hope - try Google or EBay.
The 'A' means the 1550ma/hr product.· The original is 900ma.
Try these guys for the whole deal - batteries, world wide recharge and automobile adapter!
"Everything in the world is purchased by labour; and our passions are the only causes of labor." -- David·Hume (1711-76)········
Post Edited (Kramer) : 9/23/2007 10:30:19 AM GMT
Take a look at the Parallax RoboGames Medal schematic. The connections to the SX-28 are incorrect which I have stated in the forum multiple times as well as in email on the Parallax site.
However, look at how they use the CR123 (actually 2 of them in series for 6vdc) and their use of LT1121ACS8-5. There are other several low current (battery operation) 5v low dropout regulators like the small LT1121ACS8-5. You may also be able to get some free samples from the manufacturer Linear Technology:
I have ordered these and they work very nice with battery operation.
Could you please explain in detail where you are finding issues with the schematic? I checked your link and everything appears to be correct. Take Care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
My posting with pics are·6 down showing the problems with the pin connections.
Look especially at Vdd and Vss pins.
I can understand T&E Engineer's frustration about the correction not getting made, but Parallax does have some one, an editor that will immediately resolve such things if she gets an email directly sent to her. I think it is Lauren Davis, but I'm not 100% sure.
Email to customer service or support@parallax.com, will get immediate attention.
Posting on the Forum is a more indirect and less reliable route. Parallax really wants to respond quickly to these items.
"Everything in the world is purchased by labour; and our passions are the only causes of labor." -- David·Hume (1711-76)········
From: Gilmore, Timothy
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007 12:49 PM
To: 'support@parallax.com'
I wanted to let Parallax know that the schematic for the RoboGames Scrolling LED medal is incorrect for the SX-28 pin connections.
See attachments.
Timothy Gilmore
I think the problem is that you are looking at the pin connections for a DIP version of the SX-28, whereas the Robo-Medal uses the SMD version which has a different pin out. I also noticed your corrections refer specifically to the PDB which uses the DIP version. Unless there is something else I am missing or some other detail I have to assume our schematic is, in fact, correct. Please, let me know exactly which pins are in the incorrect locations for clarity.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Thanks for catching this Chris!