Real Wind Power
I have built a real wind generator that turns up to 30vdc with solar panels up to 20vdc, I have 4 large 12vdc 92Ah batteries. In the experiments for new energy I can·only read up to 5vdc in the Stamp Plot Ver 3.7. I am not so concerned about the real volts. I just want the chart to read linear in respect to the real volts. Please I need a bs2 code to start on to read these volts in real time. I can use TLC0832 ADC, TLC0834 ADC, or TLC0838 ADC.
Thank You for your time.
Thank You for your time.

It's very simple ... you need a voltage divider (see It's just two resistors in series across your power source: +V --- Upper resistor --- Lower resistor --- Ground. The Stamp's circuit or the input of the ADC is connected to the junction of the two resistors. Because you may want to measure different ranges, get a 10-turn potentiometer with a 10K ohm value, connect it across a known voltage source ... like the 5V supply of your Stamp ... and adjust the potentiometer until the voltage at the adjustable terminal (to ground) is 1/6 of the voltage across the potentiometer or whatever ratio you need for your measurements.
The Basic Analog and Digital text (here: shows you how to use the TLC0831 and also shows you how to measure voltage directly with the Stamp. This website also has examples of this:
I wold like this to be a direct input not A/D
Tahnks Riverdan
This code works from 0v to 3.37v then it goes back to 0volts on stamp plot, then at 3.37v it plots down to 0v OK.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
pot VAR Word 'Variable for BSAB pot
HIGH 7 'Read pot and send value
RCTIME 7, 3,pot
DEBUG DEC pot,13
LOOP 'Repeat