I am looking for a gyrocompass ( that can be used with the Propeller chip and
I can read the angles of the movement from gyrocompass
I can read the angles of the movement from gyrocompass
Comments has the gyros. Parallax has a Hitachi compass module.
Be forewarned that compasses can be confused by ferrous metal nearby, both iron and nickel. That includes zippers on your coat, the watch on your wrist,·a wrench in your pocket, steel table and chair legs, and the casing of batteries. So, if you are going to get useful information from it, you have to both be aware of the enviroment that you use it in and how you mount it on your robot.
Actually, I think your idea is brilliant. Just have the electronic compass provide direction at startup, let the gyro become stable, and then you get a stream of useful and repeatible data for mapping and later nagivation.
"Everything in the world is purchased by labour; and our passions are the only causes of labor." -- David·Hume (1711-76)········
Post Edited (Kramer) : 9/23/2007 11:00:37 AM GMT
I am not using it for nagivation or mapping, im using it to find the angle and direction a surface is pointing eg my head