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Running DS1307 Demo — Parallax Forums

Running DS1307 Demo

Thomas StickneyThomas Stickney Posts: 23
edited 2007-09-20 22:08 in Propeller 1
··· Several days ago I used a prop demo board to build a circuit using Spark Fun's DS1307 Clock breakout
· board module.· The module incudes the DS1307 chip + 32.768 KHZ crystal.

··· Connected·the module to:

· VCC to 5v
· Gnd
· SCL to 3.3v via 10k ohm resistor & pin ·0 ·on prop chip
· SDA "···"···· "··· "·· · "···· "··········"· "··· 1· "·· "····· "
· SQW "· "···· "··· "· ·· "···· "··········"· "··· 2· "···"····· "

····Used··DS1307 DEMO by Beau Schwabe V1.0.

··· Removed lines refering to the synth object since the clock module has onboard xtal.

··· When I·run the code, it runs okay·but for only 2 to 52 seconds then it freezes.
· Sometimes the seconds show up as 3 digits.

· Tried 2 other clock modules, same result.
· Used another demo board, same result.

··· Seems like the prop and the clock module are losing step to each other.
· Any way to remedy this?

· Thanks in advance.


  • NewzedNewzed Posts: 2,503
    edited 2007-09-20 20:11
    Eliminate the resistor in the SCL line - you don't need it.

    Change the SDA and SQW resistors to 4.7K.

    Now try again.


    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift.

    That is why they call it the present.

    Don't have VGA?
  • Thomas StickneyThomas Stickney Posts: 23
    edited 2007-09-20 22:08
    I changed the resistors to 4.7k, works great now!

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