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Interfacing USB Game Controller with VB6 — Parallax Forums

Interfacing USB Game Controller with VB6

Aaqil KhanAaqil Khan Posts: 60
edited 2007-09-20 15:01 in General Discussion
Hi guys,

I posted my robot in the completed projects forum:
A friend of mine showed me his USB game controller for the PC like in the attached image and suggested that it would be awesome to have that control the rover and the robotic arm.

Since my remote control software is written in Visual Basic, I can't figure out how to interface the USB game controller with VB6. Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated. I am documenting my robot right now so that others can benefit from this. You can read it all here:

Game Controller in VB6 ? confused.gif


Post Edited (Aaqil Khan) : 9/19/2007 11:12:24 PM GMT
289 x 262 - 10K
2048 x 1536 - 593K


  • DiablodeMorteDiablodeMorte Posts: 238
    edited 2007-09-20 04:17
    I might be able to help you,

    does your usb game controller show up as a game controller in windows?
    if so, post back, i can help you [noparse]:)[/noparse]
  • Aaqil KhanAaqil Khan Posts: 60
    edited 2007-09-20 12:14
    Hi DiablodeMorte,
    Yes it does. I can see the USB game controller in Windows' Device Manager list.
    I will wait for your response. Thanks.

  • DiablodeMorteDiablodeMorte Posts: 238
    edited 2007-09-20 12:51
    Time for some serious copy and paste [noparse]:)[/noparse]

    Here's the code I use in 2008 Express Edition(I think you have vb 6 but I don't have that one on this computer)

    I use Microsoft Direct X, Looking at the code now i realize you probably can't use this in vb6, If i get time tonight, i'll try to port it

    This code has been customized for the use of a microsoft xbox wireless controller(Hence the compensation for the dead zone)

    This is before the namespace
    Imports Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput
    Imports Microsoft.DirectX

    Now we are in the namespace
    In the "Public Class MainClass":
    Public Shared state As New JoystickState()
            Private applicationDevice As Device = Nothing
            Public Shared numPOVs As Integer = -1
            Private SliderCount As Integer = -1 ' Number of returned slider controls

    This next code is in the namsepace but not in the mainclass sub
    Public Function InitDirectInput() As Boolean
                ' Enumerate joysticks in the system.
                Dim instance As DeviceInstance
                For Each instance In Manager.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameControl, EnumDevicesFlags.AttachedOnly)
                    ' Create the device.
                    applicationDevice = New Device(instance.InstanceGuid)
                    'Just pick the first one
                    Exit For
                Next instance
                If (Nothing Is applicationDevice) Then
                    MessageBox.Show("Unable to create a joystick device. Sample will exit.", "No joystick found")
                    Return False
                End If
                ' Set the data format to the c_dfDIJoystick pre-defined format.
                ' Set the cooperative level for the device.
                applicationDevice.SetCooperativeLevel(Me, CooperativeLevelFlags.Exclusive Or CooperativeLevelFlags.Foreground)
                ' Enumerate all the objects on the device.
                Dim d As DeviceObjectInstance
                For Each d In applicationDevice.Objects
                    ' For axes that are returned, set the DIPROP_RANGE property for the
                    ' enumerated axis in order to scale min/max values.
                    If 0 <> (d.ObjectId And CInt(DeviceObjectTypeFlags.Axis)) Then
                        ' Set the range for the axis.
                        applicationDevice.Properties.SetRange(ParameterHow.ById, d.ObjectId, New InputRange(-1000, +1000))
                    End If
                    ' Update the controls to reflect what
                    ' objects the device supports.
                Next d
                Return True
    End Function 'InitDirectInput
            Protected Overloads Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
                ' Unacquire all DirectInput objects.
                If Not Nothing Is applicationDevice Then
                End If
                If disposing Then
                    If Not (components Is Nothing) Then
                    End If
                End If
            End Sub 'Dispose
    Public Sub GetData()
                ' Make sure there is a valid device.
                If Nothing Is applicationDevice Then
                End If
                    ' Poll the device for info.
                Catch inputex As InputException
                    If TypeOf inputex Is NotAcquiredException Or TypeOf inputex Is InputLostException Then
                        ' Check to see if either the app
                        ' needs to acquire the device, or
                        ' if the app lost the device to another
                        ' process.
                            ' Acquire the device.
                            ' Failed to acquire the device.
                            ' This could be because the app
                            ' doesn't have focus.
                        End Try
                    End If
                End Try
                'catch(InputException inputex)
                ' Get the state of the device.
                    state = applicationDevice.CurrentJoystickState
                    ' Catch any exceptions. None will be handled here, 
                    ' any device re-aquisition will be handled above.  
                End Try
            End Sub 'GetData
    Private Sub UpdateUI()
                Dim precision As Integer
                ' This function updated the UI with
                ' joystick state information.
                Dim strText As String = Nothing
                labelXAxis.Text = state.X.ToString()
                labelYAxis.Text = state.Y.ToString()
                labelZAxis.Text = state.Z.ToString()
                If (state.Z > 0) Then
                    precision = 7
                ElseIf (state.Z < 0) Then
                    precision = 2
                    precision = 15
                End If
                If (state.X > 60) Then
                    radBtnLeftJoy.Left = state.X / 940 * 20 + 40
                    If (boolMenuActive = False) Then
                        SetCursorPos(Cursor.Position.X + state.X / 940 * precision, Cursor.Position.Y)
                    End If
                ElseIf (state.X < -160) Then
                    radBtnLeftJoy.Left = state.X / 860 * 20 + 40  '-70,
                    If (boolMenuActive = False) Then
                        SetCursorPos(Cursor.Position.X + state.X / 860 * precision, Cursor.Position.Y)
                    End If
                    radBtnLeftJoy.Left = 40 '-70, 60
                End If
                If (state.Y > 60) Then
                    radBtnLeftJoy.Top = state.Y / 940 * 20 + 40
                    If (boolMenuActive = False) Then
                        SetCursorPos(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y + state.Y / 940 * precision)
                    End If
                ElseIf (state.Y < -70) Then
                    radBtnLeftJoy.Top = state.Y / 860 * 20 + 40 '-70, 60
                    If (boolMenuActive = False) Then
                        SetCursorPos(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y + state.Y / 860 * precision)
                    End If
                    radBtnLeftJoy.Top = 40 '-70, 60
                End If
                If (state.Rx > 120) Then
                    radBtnRightJoy.Left = state.Rx / 880 * 20 + 40
                    'SetCursorPos(Cursor.Position.X + state.X / 940 * precision, Cursor.Position.Y)
                ElseIf (state.Rx < -120) Then
                    radBtnRightJoy.Left = state.Rx / 880 * 20 + 40  '-70,
                    'SetCursorPos(Cursor.Position.X + state.X / 860 * precision, Cursor.Position.Y)
                    radBtnRightJoy.Left = 40 '-70, 60
                End If
                If (state.Ry > 120) Then
                    radBtnRightJoy.Top = state.Ry / 880 * 20 + 40
                    'SetCursorPos(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y + state.Y / 940 * precision)
                ElseIf (state.Ry < -30) Then
                    radBtnRightJoy.Top = state.Ry / 970 * 20 + 40 '-70, 60
                    'SetCursorPos(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y + state.Y / 860 * precision)
                    radBtnRightJoy.Top = 40 '-70, 60
                End If
                labelXRotation.Text = state.Rx.ToString()
                labelYRotation.Text = state.Ry.ToString()
                labelZRotation.Text = state.Rz.ToString()
                Dim slider As Integer() = state.GetSlider()
                labelSlider0.Text = slider(0).ToString()
                labelSlider1.Text = slider(1).ToString()
                Dim pov As Integer() = state.GetPointOfView()
                btnPovTopLeft.BackColor = Color.White
                btnPovTopCenter.BackColor = Color.White
                btnPovTopRight.BackColor = Color.White
                btnPovMiddleLeft.BackColor = Color.White
                btnPovMiddleCenter.BackColor = Color.White
                btnPovMiddleRight.BackColor = Color.White
                btnPovBottomLeft.BackColor = Color.White
                btnPovBottomCenter.BackColor = Color.White
                btnPovBottomRight.BackColor = Color.White
                If (pov(0) = -1) Then
                    lpower = 770
                    rpower = 775
                    btnPovMiddleCenter.BackColor = Color.Red
                ElseIf (pov(0) = 0) Then
                    'If (moRS232.IsOpen) Then
                    lpower = 1000
                    rpower = 700
                    btnPovTopCenter.BackColor = Color.Red
                    'End If
                ElseIf (pov(0) = 4500) Then
                    btnPovTopRight.BackColor = Color.Red
                ElseIf (pov(0) = 9000) Then
                    btnPovMiddleRight.BackColor = Color.Red
                    lpower = 1000
                    rpower = 1000
                ElseIf (pov(0) = 13500) Then
                    btnPovBottomRight.BackColor = Color.Red
                ElseIf (pov(0) = 18000) Then
                    lpower = 700
                    rpower = 1000
                    btnPovBottomCenter.BackColor = Color.Red
                ElseIf (pov(0) = 22500) Then
                    btnPovBottomLeft.BackColor = Color.Red
                ElseIf (pov(0) = 27000) Then
                    btnPovMiddleLeft.BackColor = Color.Red
                    lpower = 700
                    rpower = 700
                ElseIf (pov(0) = 31500) Then
                    btnPovTopLeft.BackColor = Color.Red
                End If
                'btnPovMiddleCenter.BackColor = Color.Red
                labelPOV0.Text = pov(0).ToString()
                labelPOV1.Text = pov(1).ToString()
                labelPOV2.Text = pov(2).ToString()
                labelPOV3.Text = pov(3).ToString()
                ' Fill up text with which buttons are pressed
                Dim buttons As Byte() = state.GetButtons()
                Dim button As Integer = 0
                Dim b As Byte
                Dim boolMenuButtonWasPressed As Boolean = False
                For Each b In buttons
                    If 0 <> (b And &H80) Then
                        strText += button.ToString("00 ")
                        If button = 0 Then ClickMouse(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y)
                        If button = 7 Then
                            boolMenuButtonWasPressed = True
                        End If
                    End If
                    button += 1
                Next b
                If (boolMenuButtonWasPressed) Then 'Menu Button was pressed
                    If (boolPrevMenuButton) Then 'Last time the menu button was pressed
                        'Do nothing
                        boolPrevMenuButton = True
                        If (boolMenuActive = False) Then
                            boolMenuActive = True
                            intMenuTab = TabControl1.SelectedIndex
                            'MsgBox(boolMenuButtonIsUp.ToString + "|" + boolMenuActive.ToString)
                            boolMenuActive = False
                            'MsgBox(boolMenuButtonIsUp.ToString + "|" + boolMenuActive.ToString)
                        End If
                    End If
                    boolPrevMenuButton = False
                End If
                labelButtons.Text = strText
            End Sub 'UpdateUI
            Public Sub UpdateControls(ByVal d As DeviceObjectInstance)
                ' Set the UI to reflect what objects the joystick supports.
                If ObjectTypeGuid.XAxis.Equals(d.ObjectType) Then
                    labelXAxis.Enabled = True
                    labelXAxisText.Enabled = True
                End If
                If ObjectTypeGuid.YAxis.Equals(d.ObjectType) Then
                    labelYAxis.Enabled = True
                    labelYAxisText.Enabled = True
                End If
                If ObjectTypeGuid.ZAxis.Equals(d.ObjectType) Then
                    labelZAxis.Enabled = True
                    labelZAxisText.Enabled = True
                End If
                If ObjectTypeGuid.RxAxis.Equals(d.ObjectType) Then
                    labelXRotation.Enabled = True
                    labelXRotationText.Enabled = True
                End If
                If ObjectTypeGuid.RyAxis.Equals(d.ObjectType) Then
                    labelYRotation.Enabled = True
                    labelYRotationText.Enabled = True
                End If
                If ObjectTypeGuid.RzAxis.Equals(d.ObjectType) Then
                    labelZRotation.Enabled = True
                    labelZRotationText.Enabled = True
                End If
                If ObjectTypeGuid.Slider.Equals(d.ObjectType) Then
                    SliderCount += 1
                    Select Case SliderCount
                        Case 0
                            labelSlider0.Enabled = True
                            labelSlider0Text.Enabled = True
                        Case 1
                            labelSlider1.Enabled = True
                            labelSlider1Text.Enabled = True
                    End Select
                End If
                If ObjectTypeGuid.PointOfView.Equals(d.ObjectType) Then
                    numPOVs += 1
                    Select Case numPOVs
                        Case 0
                            labelPOV0.Enabled = True
                            labelPOV0Text.Enabled = True
                        Case 1
                            labelPOV1.Enabled = True
                            labelPOV1Text.Enabled = True
                        Case 2
                            labelPOV2.Enabled = True
                            labelPOV2Text.Enabled = True
                        Case 3
                            labelPOV3.Enabled = True
                            labelPOV3Text.Enabled = True
                    End Select
                End If
            End Sub 'UpdateControls
    Private Sub timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles timer1.Tick
            End Sub

    As I said up top, If i get time i'll try to port this to visual basic 6 tonight.

    I hope I can help, i've looked at your web link and I was blown away at how profeshional your vb program looks! I've been having a lot of trouble sending anything but simplistic data packets to the stamp, I'd love to see how you do it.


    Post Edited (DiablodeMorte) : 9/20/2007 12:56:59 PM GMT
  • Aaqil KhanAaqil Khan Posts: 60
    edited 2007-09-20 13:12
    Thanks for your code. Like you mentioned, its probably not going to work with VB6. But, DirectX, you say? Hmmm, that just might be it. I will try to see if I can come up with someway to read the joystick outputs using DX8. I've never used DX8 before, but I see potential here. Let me know if you come up with implementing DX8 in VB6 - it will take some time for me to understand how DX8 works, you can probably do it quicker.yeah.gif

  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2007-09-20 15:01
    This thread is being moved from the Completed Projects Forum to the Sandbox Forum.

    Chris Savage
    Parallax Tech Support
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