Ramping AC
Ok, Im working with a basic stamp 2 I was considering getting the rc-4 relay board to control 4 ac lights. I want to turn them on/off which is clearly possible with the rc-4, but I also want to ramp the voltage from 0 -120 and back down again to create a fade in and fade out effect. I'm a real novice when it comes to electronics especially AC. How would I go about this? Thanks!
I know what I know, don't confuse me with the facts...
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The simplist way to do it is to use the XOUT command on any BS-2(xx) Stamp, and utilize the X-10 system. You can turn all, one or more lights ON or OFF, and also DIM them up or down. Here are a couple of links to the X-10 products:
X-10 Home Page: http://www.x10.com/
X-10 Lamp Modules: http://www.x10wirelesshome.com/modules/x10_lamp_module_lm465.html
Firecracker X-10 Kit: http://www.x10.com/automation/ck18a_s_ps32.html
Many folks feel the Firecracker Kit is a good starting point. You can then add more modules if/when you need them. If you choose to go that way, there are more links that can be provided for applications information.
Both the PBASIC Reference Manual, and the PBASIC Help File have full information on the PBASIC XOUT command.
Bruce Bates
·Bean is right about the FC-4 . http://www.efx-tek.com/topics/fc-4.html
This a very nice board and very easy to work with and to use with a Basic Stamp
I worte some demo routine for it if you would like for me to post
them i will what did was take one·Efx-Tek· Demo· that show all of the different pattern
Took each pattern and made a demo for each
If you would like for me to post them please let me know
··Thanks for any·
I am curious if it could be used to control voltage on an AC-powered model railroad (0-18V)
I am curious if it could be used to control voltage on an AC-powered model railroad (0-18V)
Here·is the ·
I will be modifying one of the FC4 boards to see if it will work on 35 volts AC
I have two of them YEA·I know $90.00...EACH........ouch ....................
But if i do not do it......
There will be nothing to be·gained.....
But i do not know if it go down to 18 Volts AC But i will see if i can get it to
Work down to 12 volts AC
I know i Will Void my warranty if something goes wrong but i Know that the
Board works before i·start·doing this it·so we will see what happen
If it raining this weekend i will work on this
··Thanks for any·
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 9/20/2007 12:27:43 AM GMT
I try· to see if the FC4 board will work at 18 volts
I can tell you that it do
Before i tell you how to this you need to UNDERSTAND THIS
Jonny Mac···· >>>>>>Said this when i asked if this could be done<<<<<<<<
"I make NO GUARANTEES that either of these modifications will work; you are on your own."
"Note: If you change any component on the board you do so at your own risk. Neither me (Jon Williams), EFX-TEK (manufacturer of the FC-4), or Parallax (as they're hosting this discussion) are responsible for any consequences that result from your modification. AC circuits can be dangerous -- you've been warned."
Please Understand this before you do any modifications to your FC4 Board
Make sure that you have the tranformer fused before you start
·All you have to do is change· the resistors at the input of the optic sensor·to a value of·4400··Ohms·This is for 18 Volts AC·
The ones on the board now are TWO 15000 ohms they are 1/2 watt resistors··this for 120 Volts AC
The ones on the board·will·need to be TWO 2200 ohms they are 1/2 watt resistors··for 18 volts AC
The the volts at the input of the optic sensor··is 1.2 volts Make sure that it is
1.2 volts because the·leds on the board will·not work right if it is below 1.2 volts
You do not need to change· the value of·this resistor at the trica
I had CHANGED the value to 80 ohms at the triac
The different was only .25 volts at full ON I change it back to
the 180 ohms that was on the board
Now when you try to remove the resistor from the board be very care full
with this the soider whick do not want to remove the soider from the board
so putting in the resistor is not very easy to do but can be done
Now·I Can Not Tell You If This Will Work On The Train Set That You Have Or The Motor That You Want To Use
I·do not have any to· test this you will have to this part your self
We are so happy that this works very well even on 12 Volts ......
··Thanks for any·
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 9/29/2007 2:58:17 PM GMT