BS1 irdetect
Has anyone successfully ported the "remote for boe bot" sony remote detector to the BS1.· I have an application that is best seriviced by the old Prop-1 controller because of the builtin high current circuits.· I've been beating the pot/pulsin around for hours and don't seem to be able to get anywhere.· I am beginning to think the BS1 is just too slow.
I need to read a couple of sony remote buttons reliably for some automation control.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
I need to read a couple of sony remote buttons reliably for some automation control.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
I'll give it a whirl and post the results. Thanks again.
Post Edited (jmassoni) : 9/17/2007 2:33:13 AM GMT
I've got two Prop-1 controllers left over from a project where they were replaced by a Propeller.
The IRBuddys work great with the BS1 (prop-1 controller).· Flawless talking to each other or listening to a pure·RC5 remote.· Not so reliable with a universal.· However the design criteria was to use existing Sony remote or simple universal remote.· I decided that the expense of the IRBuddy and their scarcity plus the complication of the remote was not worth the effort because the BS2 solution was just too simple.· Simple is always better.· Instead of the prop-1·I used a Super Carrier board with a BS2, the $3.95 Infrared Receiver (350-00014),·a ULN2803 and support circuitry for timing adjustment and position sensing.· The application·opens an access door·and moves a conceled television.· It intercepts Sony Power code, checks the position of the door and TV with Hall Effect sensor, relays the Sony code to the TV and activates compressed air source solenoid and 2 air cylinder direction valves to open door and slide TV into position.· The seqence is reversed when power is turned off (toggle).
I subsequently discovered the PIC-based Sony IR Decode by Henry Arnold. ·
I will be replacing the BS2/Super Carrier Board combo and use the Prop-1 with this chip.· Moves the short comings of the BS1 in its ability to keep up with the IR codes to a dedicated inexpensive chip solution.
Thanks Joel