Worked!! Prop<-->Internet<-->Prop - Thanks Brian!

Would someone mind telneting to my Propeller?
I'm working on giving it access through my router, but need to see if I have the NAT config right.
TELNET (standard port 23)
If it works, you'll just be in a chat window. Say hi, before you dump.
Buttons . . . check. Dials . . . check. Switches . . . check. Little colored lights . . . check.
— Calvin, of 'Calvin and Hobbes.
Post Edited (Oldbitcollector) : 9/16/2007 4:19:05 AM GMT
I'm working on giving it access through my router, but need to see if I have the NAT config right.
TELNET (standard port 23)
If it works, you'll just be in a chat window. Say hi, before you dump.
Buttons . . . check. Dials . . . check. Switches . . . check. Little colored lights . . . check.
— Calvin, of 'Calvin and Hobbes.
Post Edited (Oldbitcollector) : 9/16/2007 4:19:05 AM GMT
There's nothing to see yet, just a chat window (If I'm sitting there)
I'll leave it connected for a while.. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Buttons . . . check. Dials . . . check. Switches . . . check. Little colored lights . . . check.
— Calvin, of 'Cavin and Hobbes.
> internet
> propeller
Good work OldBitCollector!
Brian - home of SpinStudio
Now we need to take this the next step and see if we can get
Use the BBS Server Software & PropCOMM from this thread
Then type ATDT from PropCOMM
I set up, but I doubt the nameservers have caught it yet.
Buttons . . . check. Dials . . . check. Switches . . . check. Little colored lights . . . check.
— Calvin, of 'Cavin and Hobbes.
jjuusstt lliikkee tthhee 8800''ss, without the protocol mismatch.
Still waiting for one of you to get brave enough to load BBS Server and do a prop-to-prop. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Every language I've ever learned, I've created a fun excuse to learn it. To learn Spin
completely (or at least better than I know it now) I'm going to write an old-fashion BBS
system in Spin to go with the PropCOMM terminal. Except of course, if you choose to
[noparse][[/noparse]P)age the Sysop, you'll have the option of flashing some LED's or bumping some servo's
around my desk to get my attention.
I'm sure I'll ask a few questions of the established "Spinners" as I get this working... [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Propeller: The "new" old-school.. <smirk>
Buttons . . . check. Dials . . . check. Switches . . . check. Little colored lights . . . check.
— Calvin, of 'Calvin and Hobbes.
I just went back in time.
(and I think we're the first!) 12:00am EST
Thanks Brian for loading up the other side!
Prop<-->Internet<-->Prop @ 7x40 composite.
Now all we need is a head-to-head game to play on the Propeller!
Buttons . . . check. Dials . . . check. Switches . . . check. Little colored lights . . . check.
— Calvin, of 'Calvin and Hobbes.
I felt like saying "Mr. Watson - come here - I want to see you" (the first words spoken on a telephone)
I also logged on to a BBS with the same setup. I felt like I was going back in time!!!
The only suggestion I have is possibly modifying PropComm to use a VGA screen. With higher resolution, you should be able to fit more lines on the screen.
Brian - home of SpinStudio
I shall not translate this
Brian - home of SpinStudio
This is not impressive to me because it's been done. For it's old technology, it was new and interesting in the 80's. What is cool about it, is that it's being done on a $12 Microcontroller, and a handful of other parts. Yes it uses a computer as it's "gateway" to the internet. But we could just as easily hooked up a couple of old modems and done it the old way. ( wanna try that?)
What other Microcontroller could do this so easily? I'm sure others are capable of doing it, but the programming involved would have taken many more hours. The Propeller does make programming fun again!
Brian - home of SpinStudio
For all that matter I have one of those 2400baud embedded cards..
It's true that we're not really doing anything new here, but the
power in such a simple setup still amazes me! It took
hundreds of dollars of complex hardware to do the exact
same thing back in the 80's.
The best part is that I'm using hardware that allows me to
understand each part of the process and what is happening
in each step. For me, this is what is making this fun.
Buttons . . . check. Dials . . . check. Switches . . . check. Little colored lights . . . check.
— Calvin, of 'Calvin and Hobbes.
It's about time you quit lurking! Welcome to the group!!
Buttons . . . check. Dials . . . check. Switches . . . check. Little colored lights . . . check.
— Calvin, of 'Calvin and Hobbes.
step 1 -Write BBS software to run on a Propeller. Connect it via MAX3232 to a serial external modem, attach to a landline phone line. Use an SD card for storage, etc
step 2 - Write a terminal program, much like "Qmodem" if anyone remembers that. Allow this program to download, via a protocol like xmodem or similar. There will be a section for file transfers on the BBS for binaries that people can download directly to their own SD card, then run with a bootloading program. Perhaps, an OS can be loaded on the EEPROM that will in turn load the terminal program off the SD card. Now all the sudden we have almost a complete computer system. Trading files this way would foster people to make new "hey look what I did" kind of demos that people could download and run easily.
We could network props all across the country by phone modem. Talk about Retro!
Brian - home of SpinStudio
Actually, I'd like to take it one step further. By employing the graphics ability of the prop, you could have
more than just simple text. Cross that with a sudo-BBS/WEB and the propeller would have it's own type of Internet.
Fun stuff isn't it?
Buttons . . . check. Dials . . . check. Switches . . . check. Little colored lights . . . check.
— Calvin, of 'Calvin and Hobbes.
And soon you'll be writing a Second Life client
I was thinking of making direct prop to prop communication. Putting a computer and the internet in between takes the magic out of it.
But yes, telnet would be necessary, most don't have a old school modem around. I don't even have a phone line, we have a cell phone for each member of the family that's old enough to need one.
Brian - home of SpinStudio
I tried and made a connection.
No chatting with anybody but lots of stuff happening.
Way cool.. well done.
Rgds and cheers from Downunder OZ
Ronald Nollet Melbourne Australia
I'm thinking that we can dump the computer and use direct ethernet connection soon...
That'll put some magic back in. Wish some of the wireless ethernet stuff would come
down in price a bit. A prop on batteries that could connect through any open AP would
be very cool.
Buttons . . . check. Dials . . . check. Switches . . . check. Little colored lights . . . check.
— Calvin, of 'Calvin and Hobbes.
Now that would be very impressive. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Neat to see this little MicroController doing so much!!
--Andrew Arsenault.
I'll give one of the props a semi-permanent place on my desk for the BBS.
Funny part is that I have a 12" composite color screen, and PS2 keyboard plugged into it,
and the propeller itself will sit on top of the screen. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I'll post a follow-up as soon as it is placed back online.
Buttons . . . check. Dials . . . check. Switches . . . check. Little colored lights . . . check.
— Calvin, of 'Calvin and Hobbes.
You should be able to access it by telnet to:
TELNET (standard port 23)
(Putty works well too)
I'll be updating PropCOMM to support more lines per screen and add some transfer features soon.
Buttons . . . check. Dials . . . check. Switches . . . check. Little colored lights . . . check.
— Calvin, of 'Calvin and Hobbes.